Today.Az » Politics » Secret "Red groups" organized in Dagestan
20 June 2006 [13:04] - Today.Az
Lezghin nationalists living in the southern Dagestan in Russia want this region to achieve a special status. They are going to stage protest actions for this purpose.

APA reports that though the protests will be dedicated to the April 25 bloody events in Dogguzpara region, the protesters will voice political demands as well.

April 25, two protesters were killed in the clash with special militia forces during the protests held by Lezghins in Usughchay in Dogguzpara.

The source reported that the protesters will demand giving region status to Biliji settlement and national district status to Dagestan Southern region densely populated by Lezghins.

The protests will be peaceful first. If the demands are not meet, clashes are planned. Special groups called "Red groups" composed of Lezghin young men are being organized. The groups will be used in blocking highways, including the Rostov-Baku main road as well as in resisting police. Sadval radical wing and different nationalist groups intend to involve Lezghins living in the northern Azerbaijan to the protests.

Though the date of the rallies have not been specified, preparations are on, "Some high ranking representatives of Lezhin people are financing the rally organizers in a secret way. They realize that their demands cannot come true. However, they take benefit from Lezghins standing against the central authorities of Dagestan and Russia. In this case, they can act as reconciler between the authorities and the people or hold high posts in Dagestani authorities."

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