Today.Az » Politics » Ramiz Hasanov: "Azerbaijan must gradually switch to international standards"
09 June 2006 [22:37] - Today.Az
Ramiz Hasanov, the Director of State Agency on Standardization, Metrology and Patents (SASMP), held a press-conference devoted to the activities of the Agency.

Saying that former Soviet standards are still applied in production and services sectors in Azerbaijan, Mr. Hasanov told about work on the use of national standards, APA reports.

"47 national standards were proved in 5 early months this year. They are mostly related to agriculture and food industry. We intend to establish Azerbaijan Standardization Institute on the base of Azeryeyintisanaye (Azeri Food Industry) Research Institute. Reforms have started in this direction."

Mr. Hasanov has told that sudden acceptation of international standards is not right.

In that case, we have to stop activities of some enterprises. International standards have strict requirements. However they may be used for wine-making, juiceā€“making, hazelnut products. We have lately examined Baku Wine-Mill and stopped its activity for unavailability of wine to the standards.

Saying changes are expected to be made to home legislation, Mr. Hasanov has added that the Agency is not able to take the quality of all products under control.

"Because raw materials are under the control of one organ while goods in sale are under the control of another organ. According to the law, the Agency can control only one production where the control is allowed once in 6 months. Documents regarding this case will be submitted to the Government."

Talking of examinations of SASMP, Hasanov said that balance weight and scales in markets in Baku do not mainly work correctly and do not meet standards.

SASMP examined 189 food industry enterprises, 89 of which were found defects. It was also found out enterprises producing toys and those making building materials violated rules rudely.

Touching patent-related issues, Mr. Hasanov said that 67 patents were officialized in 5 months this year. 380 brand certificates were given. 20% of patents and brands were obtained by foreign citizens.

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