Today.Az » Politics » Parliamentary elections - UPDATED
13 May 2006 [21:16] - Today.Az
Repeat parliamentary elections are over.
22:14 Central Election Commission Information Center has given information about preliminary results of counting of votes (APA). According to results of 15 of 35 polling stations in Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa constituency, Ilyas Ismayilov is the first (73.87%). He is followed by Sahib Ismayilov (12.15%) and Malahat Murshudlu (6.20%). According to results of 5 of 44 polling stations in Aghdam village Constituency #119, Bakhtiyar Sadigov is the first (57.57%). Asgar Ahmad is the second (10.37%) and Huseyn Behbudov is the third (7.69%). According to the results of 3 of 37 polling stations in Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar #69, Fazail Ibrahimli is the first (33.93%), Elchin Ahadov and Fikrat Jafarov follow him. US International Republicans Institute has also publicized preliminary results of exit-poll. the organization has conducted exit-poll among 617 voters in Nizami EC II (Ganja). According to preliminary results of exit-poll, Asaf Hajiyev can be considered the winner (64.2%). Elsvar Ibrahimli is the second (7.9%) and Murshud Mammadli id the third (7.6%). ---------- 22:00 Today Bulgarian Civil Initiative for Free and Democratic Elections Social Unity has publicized results of exit-poll conducted on rerun of parliamentary elections, APA informs. Organization director Ilya Bajinov told a press conference that exit-poll results can be considered as satisfactory on all constituencies. 1,000-1,500 blanks were filled over each constituency. Only results of exit-poll held in Binagadi EC II #9 have not been determined yet. Preliminary results are as following g in the rest 9 constituencies: Surakhanu EC II #31 1. Ahmed Valiyev – 67% 2. Elkhan Huseynov – 7% 3. Hurr Aliyev – 6% Nizami EC II #38 (in Ganja) 1. Asef hajiyev – 68% 2. Elsever Ibrahimov – 7% 3. Murshud mammadli – 6% Sumgayit EC II #42 1. Majid Kerimov – 80% 2. Mirmahmud Fattayev – 12% 3. Polad Maharramov – 5% Sumgayit-Absheron EC #44 1. Baba Tagiyev – 49% 2. Shamil Hashimov – 12% 3. Elshad Gurbanov – 9% Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar EC #69 1. Fazail Ibrahimli – 55% 2. Elvin Farhadov – 21% 3. Merdan Ganiyev – 18% Gadabay EC #103 1. Rafig Mammadhasanov – 55% 2. Jahangir Huseynov – 17% 3. Yegana Amiraslanova – 10% Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa EC #106 1. Ilyas Ismayilov – 60% 2. Elshad Ismayilov – 12% 3. Sahib Ismayilov – 10% Zagatala EC #110 1. Hikmat Atayev – 72% 2. Arif Hajili – 22% 3. Elnura Madatova – 5% Aghdan village EC #119 1. Bakhtiyar Sadigov – 58% 2. Asgar Ahmad – 17% 3. Ilgar Gasimov – 9% ---------- 20:55 Central Election Commission (CEC) has held the second meeting to consider complaints, APA informs. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman, has reported that they received 13 applications today most of which is repeating. CEC members considered following applications as below: Ilham Huseyn, the candidate from Surakhani Constituency II #13, arrival at station #15 with several men and taking away 25 ballots; Negligence of chairmen at stations 37 and 39 within Aghdam village Constituency #119 located in Sumgait; A pack of ballots thrown into polling box at two stations within Sumgait-Absheron Constituency #44; Application of Ali Ahmadov, New Azerbaijan Party Executive Secretary, against propaganda and pressure on voters by authorized representative of Mirmahmud Miralioghlu, the candidate from Sumgait Constituency #42 and by of Elnura Madatova, the candidate from Zagatala Constituency #110; Application of the authorized representative of Arif Hajili, the candidate from Zagatala Constituency #110, against disturbing observers' to watch the polls. Some of applications were solved positively whereas some of them were sent to ConECs for investigation. ---------- 20:45 The Elections Information Center announces the number of voters participated in today's partial re-run of the parliamentary elections. APA's correspondent in the Center reports that 142,684 voters participated in the vote, which constitutes 36.48% of total voters. Zagatala Constituency #110 is marked for active voter participation-59.30%. The percentage is 43.34% in Sumgayit ConEC 2 #42, 38.98 % in Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar ConEC #69, 37.66% in Aghdam village ConEC #119, 35.48% in Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC #44, 34.11% in Gadabay ConEC #103, 33.42% in Nizami (Ganja) ConEC #38, 32.87% in Tovuz-Gazakh-Akstafa ConEC #106, 27.16% in Surkahani ConEC #31, and 19.07% in Binagadi ConEC 2 #9.
---------- 20:30 The voting is over in Aghdam Constituency #119. The Garabagh bureau of APA reports that non-governmental organization Prognoz conducted exit-poll in this precinct. It has publicized preliminary exit-poll results. According to these results, most of voters voted for the ruling party Yeni Azerbaijan candidate Bakhtiyar Sadighov. Pro-opposition Musavat Party member Asgar Ahmad ranks second. ---------- 20:25 According to 18.30 information 31 voters whose names were not included into voters list from 10 precincts of Sumgayit-Apsheron Election Constituency #44 located in Apsheron region, have applied to Court, Apsheron region Court chairman Chingiz Bashirov has reported APA associate observing the election. According to Bashirov, this is 0,2% of 13868 voters registered in the territory of Apsheron. No appeal has entered the Court from candidates. Nizami II (Ganja) #38 Election Constituency #22 (general number of voters—0,06%) have used their voting rights through Court, Nizami region Court chairman Nizami Humbatov has told APA. ---------- 19:30 143 voters in Sumgayit territory from Sumgayit II #42 and Sumgayit-Apsheron election Constituencies#44 have appealed to Court till yesterday. APA correspondent was told by Sumgayit city Court. According to the information given to APA today one candidate campaigning in favor of Elshad Gurbanov, called to account. ---------- 19:15 The partial re-run of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan are over. The voting in ten constituencies started at 8.00a.m and finished at 7.00p.m today. The ballot papers are being counted now. The re-elections have been conducted in Binagadi ConEC #9, Surakahani ConEC #31, Nizami (Ganja) ConEC #38, Sumgayit ConEC #42, Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC #44, Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar ConEC #69, Gadabay ConEC #103, Tovuz-Gazakh-Akstafa ConEC #106, Zagatala ConEC #110, Aghdam village ConEC #119. 124 candidates are challenging for seat in parliament. The re-elections were conducted in 343 polling stations.334 are ordinary stations, 9 polling stations are in military units and reformatories. Preliminary results of the voting will be announced from 10:00p.m. Official results will be announced within 20 days after investigation of complaints and sending them to the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court as usual will announce final results within 10 days. US International Republican Institute conducted exit-poll during these elections. ---------- 19:10 The Central Election Commission (CEC) has today had the session for the quick investigation of complaints they received. (APA). Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman stated that no serious violations of law have been determined since 14.00. Considering polls satisfactory, the Chairman said that several complaints had entered the commission. After strong investigation most part of them had been unproved. "Most complaints are related to candidates' propaganda during elections time or bribing electors. Generally, the elections do not give serious trouble," Mr. Panahov said. Natig Mammadov, CEC Secretary, said a fact that money was dispensed on behalf of one of the candidates within Binagadi Election Constituency II #9 was found and investigation upon that case had already been started. Ramiz Ibrahimov, CEC member, reported that 104 ballots were missing while they were counted in the morning at station #9 within Surakhani Election Constituency #31. He said that this fact was under investigation. Fuad Javadov, another CEC member, told about fact that Rizvan Jafarov, lawyer of Dunyamali Valiyev, candidate on deputy, bribed AZM30 thousand (AZN6) to voters. ConEC has been tasked to investigate the fact. Another complaint says that Novella Jafaroghlu and Saadat Bananyarli, right defenders, were not allowed to enter station #24 within Zagatala Constituency #110 this morning. Mazahir Panahov said that this fact was not trustworthy. "Because Novella Jafaroghlu has not talked about this while she talked to us. I am sure she would tell the world if something like that has happened. That an observer was not allowed to enter the station has no truth in it," he added. An application sent to Zagatala Constituency for investigation was also discussed at that session. Mr. Ibrahimov said that complainant application of authorized representative of Arif Hajiyev, the candidate to deputy, had not been proved. "They were claiming they had facts that two men were dispensing money to voters in Ashagi Tala village to cast their votes for Hikmat Atayev. We asked those people named in application but they denied that fact. Besides, Hajiyev's authorized representative gave us a video-cassette. We have watched it. His defenders have two men coming from village got off the car by force saying that 'you were dispersing money'. But they answer that 'we are coming from dinner and now going to praise'," Mr. Ibrahimov said. ---------- 18:35 Lawyers for candidates run for parliament from Binagadi Constituency 2 #9--Chingiz Ganizadeh, Nadir Orujov and Rafael Jabrayilov—come to blows. APA's correspondent reports the lawyers calmed down after Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova interfered in the quarrel. The ombudsman expressed her regret for the incident. She said she has never witnessed such an event. Voters, whose names are not in voter's list informed the Council of Europe Parlaimentary Assembly (PACE) Election Observation Mission members that the chairmen of Precinct Election Commissions do not provide them with the opportunity to appeal to court. ---------- 18:06 The Central Election Commission Elections Information Center announced the voter participation results in all of the ten constituencies in the country for 17.00. APA's correspondent in the Center reports that Zagatala Constituency #110 is favorite among the rest constituencies with 51,87% of voter participation. Sumgayit ConEC #42 (38.89%), Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar (33.88%), Aghdam village ConEC (32.41%) and Gadabay ConEC #103 (30.08%) come after it. Voter participation is 29.93% in Ganja Nizami ConEC #38, 29.15% in Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC #44, 26.95% in Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa ConEC #106, 22.60% in Surakahani ConEC 2 #31 and 16.03% in Binagadi ConEC #9. 123,056 voters or 31.46% of participated in the poll in ten constituencies by 5:00p.m. ---------- 18:00 Commissioner for Human Rights has visited Precinct #16 of Binagadi II election Constituency #9, APA correspondent observing the elections in the Precincts has reported. Elmira Suleymanova has concerned with election process and criticized the law violations. ---------- 17:55 The election headquarters of candidate Baba Taghiyev from Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC #44 will appeal to the Council of Europe and OSCE as Taghiyev's opponents disseminated slander on him. The election headquarters head Shaban Amirov told APA that as candidates from this constituency, Nasiman Yaghublu, Yusif Sevdimaliyev, and Ayten Gurbanova realize that they are loosing the elections, they accuse Baba Taghiyev of committing frauds. Shaban Amirov said the international organizations observing the re-elections will be informed about this. "They have no proofs. Therefore, these candidates are responsible for their statements," he said. ---------- 17:50 Yeni Azerbaijan Party numerous representatives observing re-elections to Milli Majlis have reported that voting process in 10 Constituencies is continued up to requirements of Election Code in free and democratic way, Party press service has informed APA. Voters' activity has been observed to be high. Normal condition for lawyers of candidates, observers and international observers has been provided in election constituencies and Precincts to observe election process. However, observers have registered law violations in Election Constituencies of Sumgayit II #42 and Zagatala#110.YAP Executive Power Secretariat was informed that candidate Arif Hajili and his lawyers has interfered election process in some Precincts, and try to influence voters in different ways. Close relatives of Elnure Madatova entering the Precincts have shot video films and tried to bribe the voters. Law violations were also observed in precincts #8, 17, 23,24, 28 and 32 of Sumgayit Constituency #42. In that precinct candidate Mirmahmud Fatullayev's representatives have violated election requirements entering the Precincts, relevant acts have been drawn up about the law violations. ---------- 17:45 132 persons whose names were missing on the voters' lists were provided rights in Binagadi District Court by 5.00 p.m. today. Anar Movsumov, Binagadi District Court official, told APA correspondent observing elections in Binagadi Election Constituency II #9. 24 persons had appealed to court before the Election Day. ---------- 17:40 Candidates run for parliament from Sumgayit-Absheron Constituency # 44--Nasiman Yagublu, Yusif Sevdimaliyev, Ayten Gurbanova and Araz Alizadeh--signed a joint statement protesting against election fraud. The statement reads that there were serious interventions in the electoral process in the first half of the day, voters faced pressures. These interventions continued later on. The candidates were informed about possible election frauds several days before the Election Day. Relevant facts and materials on these irregularities were submitted to the President's Administration, the CEC as well as Council of Europe and OSCE Offices in Baku. The candidates from this constituency say they will not recognize the election results, and raise a question at international organizations regarding this situation. ---------- 17:25 Observers representing Arif Hajiyev, a candidate in Zagatala Election Constituency #110, have addressed 15 applications regarding law violations to Constituency Election Commission (ConEC). Those observers have reported APA Bureau in Sheki-Zagatala about. Fikrat Mustafayev, ConEC Chairman, told in his explanation to APA that the commission has received only 2 complainant applications from those observers. Their applications have been considered and proved without cause. ---------- 17:20 The Election Monitoring Center (EMC) is monitoring the voting in all of the ten constituencies with the participation 182 observers. The EMC told APA that observes are watched opening of the polling stations, voting and counting process. According to the EMC observers' preliminary conclusions, there were no campaign materials in favor of any candidate in any of the precincts. At the same time the organization of polling places provided normal conditions for polling in the observed 144 of 182 stations. 38 precincts lacked some technical equipment. The EMC observers noted that the polling started on time - at 08.00 in 178 of 182 polling stations. The observers observed the process of sealing movable and immovable boxes in 180 polling stations. The EMC observers noted that this process took place without participation of observers only in 2 precincts. ---------- 16:55 399 local and foreign observers observe re-run elections in Nizami (Ganja), II Election Constituency #38. OSCE /ODIHR bureau representatives Ann Gardner and Zoran Joravich have not made any statement on elections, they stated that they have been working in Ganja and Zagatala since April 27. They have observed pre-election and all the process on the Election Day and all this issues will be reflected in their report. Ganja bureau of APA reports that, international observer representing British Embassy to Azerbaijan, Mark Dorn considered giving information not expedient saying he will inform in the press conference about it. In difference with CIS Interparliamentary Assembly representatives spoke of the election observations and the mission member Mikhail Krutov has stated that elections have been organized in Nizami (Ganja) II #38. State Duma deputy of Russia, Anatoli Lokot has also stated the election process in Ganja very high, he has visited 17 election constituencies and noted not any serious election violations were observed. It should be noted that, “Civic Initiative for Free and democratic Elections” public Unity and Republicans Institute hold exit-poll in 14 constituency elections. No information is given with exit-poll process at present. CIS Parliamentary Assembly mission will hold press conference at 21.00. ---------- 16:45 Police have been applied to detain cars with state numbers 10 MR 732, 10 MA 305, 10 HK 458, 10 MK 346 and 10 OB 082 for taking voters to polling stations. Chairman of Binagadi Constituency 2 # 9 Nabi Khalilov told APA that the owner of the car with state number 10 HK 458 has been detained. Khalilov also said that appeals on law violations by international and local observers are being reviewed. Chairman of Binagadi district police office Nazim Naghiyev has been applied for sending additional police forces to prevent incidents between candidates’ observers and supporters in the precincts #21, #22. ---------- 16:10 Elections Information Center has announced results on Constituency Elections for 15.00. APA associate in the Center reports that Zagatala Election Commission #110 holds the initial place for voters' activity- 42,68%. Sumgayit Election Constituency #110 has been registered in the next place.(35,31%). In the next places, Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar (28,60%), Aghdam village #119 in 25,58%, Nizami (Ganja) Ii #38 (25,32%), Sumgayit-Absheron #44(25,00%), Gadabey #103 (24,94%), Tovuz-Gazakh-Agstafa #106,(21,53%), Surakhani II#31 (18,75%), Binagadi II #9 (12,71%) have been registered. ---------- 16:25 According to the information for 15:00p.m 4837 of 37,993 voters participated in the vote in Binagadi Constituency 2 #9. APA's correspondent observing the electoral process reports quoting the precinct election commission. This number constitutes 12.7% of total voters. 11,174 voters (28 6.%) voted in Bilasuvar-Massali-Jalilabad ConEC #69. 15,385 (35%) of 43, 564 voters participated in the vote in Sumgayit ConEC 2 # 42. The PEC informed that there were some problems during the electoral process in precincts #1, 6, 15, 27, 29 and 30. 21.5% of voters participated in the poll on Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa ConEC #106. Total number of voters on this constituency is 41,252. 17,896 (42.7%) of 41,982 electors voted in Zagatala ConEC #110. Mosul village precinct #23 is marked for special active voter participation in this constituency. 70% of voters exercised their rights to vote here. 7176 (18.75%) of 38,254 voters participated in the vote in Surakahani ConEC #31. This constituency has 20 precincts. 8314 voters participated in voting in Nizami (Ganja) ConEC2 #38. This constitutes 25.33% of total voters (32824). 9156 (24%) of 36,596 electors participated in the poll in Gadabay ConEC #103. 42,244 (25%) of 10,561 voters participated in the vote in Sumgayit-Absheron Constituency #44. ---------- 15:40 Adalat Ibrahimli, the lawyer of Ilham Huseyn, the candidate on deputy, was sent away from the polling station #24 within Surakhani Election Constituency II #24. According to APA correspondent observing the process there said that it was explained with his interference in the polls. 233 of 1419 electors have come to cast their votes there until 13.30. ---------- 15:41 Some buses full of voters have been brought to vote in favor of Nadir Orujov in polling station #19 of Binagedi ConEC 2 #9, APA's correspondent observing the electoral process reported. The observers from the Council of Europe and OSCE concluded act and sent to the district electoral committee. They complained of Malahet Hasanova, the chief of the Precinct. YAP observers complained of M.Hasanova's illegal act. Some observers' names were not included into the voting list in Precinct #17 The chief of Precinct Ofeliya Sadiqova said only 5-6 people's names were not in the list. According to her, one of them has restored the voting right by Court. ---------- 15:50 "There has been no violation of law so far at Election Station #4 within Binagadi Election Constituency II #9 where I do observe," Jean Guy Branger, French Senator and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Observation Mission representative, told in his speech to the media. He said that their mission make their notes on total number of electors and number of voters during the election process. "These records will be summarized and initial decision on observation results will be made after election is up," he said. ---------- 15:10 Voting has started without counting the ballot papers in Precinct #11 of Sumgayit –Apsheron Election Constituency #44, and instruction items of Central Election Commission have not been followed, APA was informed about by Coordinating Consultative Council for “Free and fair elections. 101 ballot papers are missing in Precinct #17 of Election Constituency #31 which was confirmed by the act. Observers were let in after counting the ballot papers in Precinct #33 of Constituency Election # 119 (Aghdam region Mahrizli village military unit). These kinds of cases happened in Precincts 1, 2,3,4,5,6,29 and 26. In Election Constituency #29 detector was not used to light the ink. In Precinct #5 of Sumgayit Election Constituency II #42, displaced persons having no voting rights, but living in that territory and registered in election Constituency, vote. ---------- 15:07 Observers for candidates Rafael Jabrayilov and Nadir Orujov intervened in the electoral process in precincts #21 and #22 of Binagadi Constituency 2 #9. Chairman of precinct #22 Amil Asgharov told APA that the observers for both candidates even offered money to voters. He noted that the observers came to blows. The Precinct Election Commission was informed and commission member Elshan Abdulazimov arrived in the polling station. The incident is being investigated. ---------- 14:55 Law violations are observed at some stations within Sumgait-Absheron Election Constituency #44 in Sumgait. Thus, observers representing candidates from New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), Musavat and others reported that ballots were not counted at Precinct Election Commission #12 before election start time. Only first and last number was checked among ballots. Seyidahmad Islamov, the chairman of station #11, said that there had been no necessity to count ballots again as they were counted in the evening the day before. Yashar Asadov, Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party (ASDP) chairman, the lawyer of the candidate Araz Alizade, told APA that while observing elections at stations 11 and 12, there were facts he observed such as station chairman stamped voters' notification card and gave them stamped ballots. After observers complained to ConEC, it was stopped. ConEC authorities promised the investigation. Rahila Garayeva, station #12 chairman, said that stamped ballots were given to only two voters and it was stopped as soon as observers protested. Voters explained this process with requirements from their work-place. Similar facts were observed at polling stations 8 and 9. ---------- 14:40 The soldiers of the President's Guards and Interior Troops voted in polling station #15-16 of Binagadi Constituency 2 #9. APA's correspondent observing the electoral process reports that, Bulgaria's Citizen Initiative for Free and Democratic Election Public Union conducted exit -poll in precinct #30. A voter was not allowed to vote because of his identification card not being in right order. The International Republican Institute conducted exit - poll in precinct #17. Norwegian Embassy's officers are observing the poll. No law violation has been observed in the precinct. A voter was not allowed to vote for the same reason in station # 25. According to observers from Musavat Party, people are demanded to vote in favor of businessman Rafael Cebrayilov. Observer Iltifat Huseynov reported that the police were informed about it. APA's correspondent witnessed campaigning in favor of another businessman Nadir Orucov in stations # 21-22. The ruling party YAP observer Mahammad Asgarov confirmed this information too. He said observers will send a report to district electoral committee on the happening. Observers of the Council of Europe, International Republican Institute , Citizen Initiative for Free and Democratic Election Public Union, local NGOs and parties are observing the voting in every stations. YAP observers and pro-opposition observers complain of Melahet Hesenova, chief of the precinct. The observer Elshan Bayramli told APA that the appeals in the station on low violation were ignored by the precinct chief. ---------- 14:30 The violation of law is observed at several election stations within Sumgait-Absheron Constituency Election Commission (ConEC) in Sumgait City. APA correspondent observing polls in the constituency reported that voters in Jorat settlement experience difficulties to find their names on voters' lists. An incident took place between residents who could not find their name on the list and precinct election commission members at stations 16, 18 and 20 in Jorat settlement an hour after election start time. The incident was solved after interference of the police. Observers at station #16 told that the process there started 16 minutes later. Adil Muradov, the precinct chairman confirmed that some names miss on the list. Vagif Mammadov, ConEC #44 chairman, rejected observers' report and said that no complaints had entered ConEC. ---------- 14:20 Some voters on Aghdam village Constituency #119 participated in the poll in a polling place in a border military unit. Ballot-boxes are being taken for soldiers in entrenchments. There are no observers to watch polling in the entrenchments. The reason is their security is not guaranteed, APA informs. 16.2% of voters on the Aghdam village Constituency #119 have participated in polling. ---------- 14:15 Independent Consulting and Assistance Center "For civil Society" held monitoring of re-run parliamentary elections on May 13 , 2006.More than 300 observers of the center has launched observation in 10 Constituency election since morning hours—07.45. According to the information given to APA from the center, except some violations in monitoring at 13.00, the election process is reported to be normal. Voters' activity on Election Constituency 9,31, 44 and 103 is very low. In most cases no problem was occurred in entering observers the polling stations. In some Precincts of Aghdam village Election Constituency #119 ballot boxes were filled with ballot papers. Ilyas Ismayilov, candidate to deputy from Tovuz-Gazakh-Agstafa Election Constituency #106 comes the fourth, but in the exit-poll in the third place, and this cause confusion among the voters. It should be noted that, the surname of the person being the fourth in exit-poll is Ismayilov. ---------- 13:55 Vahid Mammadov, representative of candidate Nasiman Yagublu came into conflict with precinct official Kamran Rzayev and candidate Baba Taghiyev's observers in the poling station of Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC # 44 today. APA's correspondent observing the electoral process reported that candidate Nasiman Yagublu demanded the election official to comply with election rules. Vahid Mammadov said that at least ten election infringements happened by 11:00. "People's participation in voting is provided and teachers having no registration are involved into voting. Different means are used for the voters to vote for Baba Tagiyev, even voters are taken to polling stations by car," he said. Representative of candidate applied to the precinct chairman for stopping elections in this polling station. Shaban Amirov, head of election headquarters of candidate Baba Taghiyev refuted these reports. He said that Taghiyev did commit any illegalities during the election campaign and denied the allegations. ---------- 13:14 16 persons who could not find their names on the Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa Constituency Commission #106 voters' list appealed to the court by midday. Ramiz Nurullayev, Tovuz Regional Court judge, told APA correspondent observing polls in the constituency that the appealers were provided rights. He also reminded 500 citizens whose names were missed on voters' list in preceding elections. ---------- 12:50 Nizami District Court in Ganja has started its work at 7.30 a.m. Nizami Humbatov, Chairman Nizami District Court, told APA that 14 persons appealed to the court whose name missed on voters' list by midday within Nizami (Ganja) Constituency Election Commission II #38. "All their names were added to the list of voters," Mr. Humbatov said. ---------- 13:00 59,689 or 15.26% of voters over the country participated in re-elections in Azerbaijan by 12:00a.m. APA's correspondent in the Elections Information Center reports Sumgayit ConEC 2 # 42 is marked for active voter participation (26.12%). Zagatala ConEC #110 ranks second (23.86%). Gadabay ConEC # 103 (16.79%), Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar ConEC #69 (16.35%), Aghdam village ConEC #119 (16.18%), Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC (15.71%), Nizami (Ganja) ConEC #38 (14.69%), Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa ConEC #106 (11.85%), Surakhani ConEC 2#31 (10.16 %), Binagadi ConEC 2 #9 (6.85%) rank following places for voter participation. ---------- 12:30 Jason Hyland, US Charge d’Affaires in Azerbaijan has visited station 4 within Binagadi Election Constituency II #9, APA correspondent in the constituency reported. US Republican Institute conducts exit-poll at that station. Being at the station, Braqner Gouye, French Senator and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Observing Group member, stated that no serious violations in election have been met yet. ---------- 12:28 OSCE Int'l observers complain lack of ballot boxes in Sumgayit Election Constituency 2 #42 in 6 Precincts, APA correspondent reports from the scene. Local observers say the voters are being instructed in Precinct #8. ---------- 12:25 10% of electors voted in precincts #21, 22,23,24,25, 26 and 27 of Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC #44 by 11:30a.m. APA's correspondent in the constituency reports that US International Republicans Institute is conducting exit-poll in these precincts. No interventions in electoral process by candidates or executive structures have been observed. ---------- 12:20 An incident happened in Constituency Election #12 of Nizami (Ganja) Election Constituency 2 #38 because Azerbaijan Communist Party deputy chairman Malahat Ahmadova has rejected participation of Dashkesan resident in the election. APA associate observing the election process reports that, Election Constituency chairman Lutviyya Aliyeva taking as base the Election Code article 47.2 related to the issue, that person has right to participate in the elections since she has lived in Ganja for two years. ConEC chairman has stated that if any problem arises related to Ahmadova the incident will be acted and she will be removed from the election. ---------- 12:10 The Prognosis Organization and US International Republican Institute are conducting exit-poll in 36 precincts of Gadabay ConEC #103. APA's correspondent in the constituency reports that Prognosis Organization representatives say voter participation in exit-poll is passive. 2280 of 36596 voters have participated in voting. 17 international observers are watching the electoral process in the polling stations. ---------- 12:05 The Central Election Commission (CEC) Elections Information Center will five times make public information on voter participation in the partial re-run of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan. It will announce this information at 11:00, 13:00, 16:00, 18:00 and 22:00 today. The CEC told APA that preliminary information in the protocols on each of the ten constituencies will be made public within 24 hours from 20:00p.m. The information will be announced in the Elections Information Center representative offices: Cultural Palace after Neftchi Gurban in Surkahani district (tel.427-41-95)), Rasulzadeh district national hero Humbetov park in Binagadi district, (tel.412-04-48). Local Kapaz TV, Alternative TV (ATV) in Ganja city. Local Dunya TV in Sumgayit. The information will be placed on the CEC official websites too (, ---------- 12:00 Stations 14, 15 and 16 in Ashaghi Gushchu village within Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa Election Constituency sustain energy problem. APA's correspondent observing by-elections there told this. There are some voters in Ashaghi Gushchu village station #15 who can not find their name on voters' list. The attendance at stations is low. ---------- 11:55 300 people have participated in voting in Surakhani 2 Election Constituency #31 and Election Constituencies, APA correspondent observing the elections has informed. The parliamentarian Nasib Nasibli has informed in his statement made to APA that he has visited many Election Constituencies since morning. "I have visited 5 election constituencies since morning, and not observed serious law violations. Some problems are observed related to organizational issues, and by the end of the day I shall try to visit all the election constituencies and to remove law violations if there any." The parliamentarian observing the elections Aydin Mirzazade said of elections to be conducted in transparent way and he will be in the election constituencies till the end of the day, he says. ConEC chairman Imran Isgandarov has stated that 1586 people on 26 constituency elections have voted by 11.00a.m., this comprises of1,6 per cent of general voters' numbers. ---------- 11:50 There are 37 stations in Bilasuvar-Masalli-Jalilabad Constituency #69. APA's correspondent observing polls there told this. There are total 39760 electors in the constituency, 10778 in Masalli, 20532 in Jalilabad and 7072 in Bilasuvar. Election process there is observed by 70165 local and 4 foreign observers. 11 candidates compete against each other in 37 stations. Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan runs exit-poll at 8 stations of constituency. 2032 voters that compose 5% of all voters have come to vote by 10.00a.m. ---------- 11:40 The US Charge d’Affaires in Azerbaijan Jason Hayland has visited #5 and #24 election constituencies of Surakhani II ConEC#31, APA associate observing the election has reported. General number of the voters are are 1419. According to the information of 10.30, 78 people have participated in the election. Precinct chairman Gulnaz Ismayilova has informed APA associate that some of voters wishing to participate in the elections with old passport and voter’s card were prevented. Ilham Huseynov's lawyer has violated the election laws in the election constituency #24, where 23 observers observe the elections. 3 of the observers say ballot papers and list of voters are not concide. It should be noted that, International Republicans Institute (IRI) holds exit-poll in that Election constituency. Jason Hayland has visited in constituency #5. Some voters has informed the diplomat of their names not being included into the voters list. IRI also hold exit-poll in this Election constituency. ---------- 11:38 Elmira Suleymanova, the Ombudswoman, has visited stations 3, 4 and 5 within Surakhani Constituency Election Commission (ConEC) II. APA's correspondent observing polls there told this. Ms. Suleymanova reported that voters' attendance is normal, she has not seen serious violations and observer's told her about small problems they have met. On her words, minor violations incurring is solved on the spot by The Central Election Commission. She also added that Ombudsman House representatives will participate in all constituencies until polls are over. She will be at stations in Baku and Sumgait herself. ---------- 11:37 27,309 voters or 6.98 % of voters over the country participated in voting by 11:00a.m today. APA's correspondent in the Elections Information Center reports about it. Total number of voters is 391,109. Information on elections is placed in electron indicator boards in Surakhani, Rasulzadeh districts in Baku and in Ganja and Sumgayit cities. ---------- 11:20 Infringements were observed in precinct #7 of Sumgayit ConEC #42. APA's correspondent for observing voting in the constituency reports that the precinct head Ramin Nifteliyev four voters' names were not in the voter's list. Their rights to vote were ensured through court. The Classic Azerbaijan Popular Front Party leader Mirmahmoud Mirelighlu's authorized representative Dilber Nasirova said one voter participated in this voting for several times. 12 observers are watching electoral process in the precinct. ---------- 11:10 Polling has started in 25 stations on Nizami (Ganja) ConEC 2 #38 since morning today. It should be noted that, there are 32834 voters on this constituency. Re-elections are observed by 399 local and int'l observers. ConEC chairman Ibrahim Jafarov has informed western bureau of APA that all the Azerbaijani observers wishing to be observer were provided with necessary condition. Mass media representatives will also be able to observe the elections. 13 candidates are fighting for mandate in this ConEC. 9 of them are non-party, 1 from AKP, 1 from Adalat Party, 1 from ANIP, 1 of them have forwarded their candidates from ruling party YAP. ---------- 11:05 8904 voters participated in voting by 10.00a.m. This is 2.28% of total number of voters. APA reports quoting head of Elections Information Center Ighbal Babayev that voters are active in Zagatala ConEC #110. 11% of voters have participated within 2 hours. Voters are taking active part in Sumgayit-Absheron ConEC #44 and Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar ConEC #69. Voters are passive in Sumgayit ConEC #42 and Aghdam village ConEC #119. The Elections Information Center will announce its first report at 11:00a.m. About 7% voters over the country have participated in voting by 10:50a.m. ---------- 11:03 Legal violation has incurred at several stations within Zagatala Election Constituency #110. APA Bureau in Sheki-Zagatala told that Khayyam Mammadov, authorized representative of Eynura Madatova, a nonpartisan candidate, was thrown out off the Faldar village station under the pressure of station chairperson and the police. The reason was that he got interested with ballots and number of voters. Ismayil Ahmad, Madatova's lawyer, was sent away from Bahmanli village station #25. Fikrat Mustafayev, Constituency Election Commission Chairman, rejected both facts. Moreover, extra polling box was seen in polling station #13 within Zagatala Election Constituency #110. Musa Mahmudov, Station Chairman, told APA that the box was for voters to write ballots on it. ---------- 11:00 Election started in 44 polling stations in Aghdam Village Election Constituency #119 since the morning today. Chairman of Aghdam village Election Constituency (ConEC) #119 Rovshan Shukurov has informed Garabagh bureau of APA that 9 out of 44 polling stations of ConEC is located in other region and cities of the republic. Mr.Shukurov has stated that 438 local, 8 international observers, 35912 voters participate in Aghdam Village Election Constituency #119 in 44 polling stations. Republicans Institute and representatives from Bulgaria hold exit-poll in Constituency Elections. ---------- 10:20 By 09:00a.m. 1300 of 37993 voters participated in voting on ConEC 2 # 9. APA's correspondent in the ConEC reports quoting Nabi Khalilov, chairman of the District Electoral Committee. Khalilov said 437 observers are observing the electoral process in 30 precincts.