Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijani Diaspora proud of historic inclusion of liberated territories in September 1 elections
24 August 2024 [14:51] - Today.Az

Najaf Ahmadov, Chairman of the Congress of Azerbaijanis of Dnepropetrovsk Province in Ukraine, expressed pride in the inclusion of Azerbaijan's liberated territories in the September 1 elections to the Milli Majlis, Azernews reports.

In a statement to the Election Independent Media Center "Election 2024," Ahmadov highlighted this milestone as a significant affirmation of Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and restored territorial integrity.

Ahmadov emphasized that this development marks a historic moment, as it guarantees the right to vote across the entire territory of Azerbaijan for the first time. He praised Azerbaijan's democratic election tradition, noting that the upcoming elections will adhere to international standards.

“Azeris in Ukraine are closely monitoring the electoral process in our homeland,” Ahmadov remarked. “We observe that the pre-election campaign is being conducted transparently and in accordance with democratic principles, with fair conditions for all candidates. This democratic environment is evident not only within Azerbaijan but also beyond its borders.”

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