Today.Az » Politics » France blames Azerbaijan for sinking in mire of its own failed policy
01 August 2024 [20:00] - Today.Az

Fatima Latifova

The anti-Azerbaijan rhetoric and smear campaigns by some pro-Armenian forces continue. A group of saboteurs speaking on behalf of France is trying to make Azerbaijan guilty of the quagmire it has fallen into. For example, the Macron government in France is trying to blame Azerbaijan for its lost reputation in Africa and New Caledonia and for its current political failure. Speaking the truth has become a criminal act for the French authorities. It's a fortune that France does not consider Baku guilty for the ridiculous and despicable situation it has created again at the Olympic Games in Paris. Perhaps a government that politicizes sports can look for an excuse for this.

France was criticized by the Christian community of the West for its weird performance at the Olympic opening. There could have been no more punishment for France - some even said that karma had struck it down.

However, as the whole world knows, all of France's problems, as a colonial and racist country, are the result of the failed policies of the Macron administration. These problems do not concern Azerbaijan, and the official stance of Baku has no connection to these issues. This is because the victorious country in the South Caucasus has more important matters to address than France and Armenia.

It is regrettable that the media supports France's colonial policies in Africa, even criticizing Azerbaijan's leadership for standing with nations fighting for their freedom. France's threats against Azerbaijan, especially regarding New Caledonia, are manifestations of the country's centuries-old imperialist spirit.

The oppressor defends the invader

Currently, the target of French and Armenian media is the Western Azerbaijan Community, which defends the rights of Azerbaijanis deliberately expelled and deported from Garabagh and the territory of present-day Armenia. Historically, current Armenian territories, including the capital Yerevan, were once Azerbaijani lands, and Armenians lived there as small tribes. After 1828, Tsarist Russia's unjust and expansionist policies targeted and repressed the developing Azerbaijani forces, subsequently settling Armenians in the area. Armenians were particularly relocated to beautiful and strategic Azerbaijani regions like Nakhchivan, Garabagh, and Yerevan, where they exhibited aggressive behaviour towards the local Azerbaijanis. Soviet Russia, continuing the policies of Tsarist Russia, established a puppet state for Armenians on Azerbaijani lands, thus implementing a Christianization policy in the region.

Azernews presents the map published in London in 1847. This map is of great importance as one of the historical evidences showing how groundless are the claims of the infamous Armenians who established a state in the territories of Azerbaijan and later occupied Azerbaijani lands from time to time.

Like Armenians, members of the French media avoid acknowledging history. The past centuries reflect not only the unjust and aggressive actions of Armenians but also French colonialism. Now, the French media's targeting of Azerbaijan and even their "interpretation" of Baku's relations with other European countries is hypocritical and cowardly.

Azerbaijan does not have to answer to any country regarding its diplomatic and economic relations.

Azerbaijan's developing relations with Great Britain, openly trouble Paris, a fierce rival of the United Kingdom. The increasing cooperation between Azerbaijan and bp (British Petroleum) is cited as an excuse for France's policy of arming Armenia. The 30-year occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia, which involved historical, religious, spiritual, and physical genocide, is not mentioned. Even after Azerbaijan liberated Garabagh, it is labeled as an aggressor. The press, a valuable tool, being turned into a toy by such utopian thinkers is lamentable.

France is leading itself into abyss

The claims made by Armenian and French media against Azerbaijan are related to France being the first country in world history to disgrace the name of the Olympic Games and become a laughingstock in the international sports arena. It should be noted that even before the Olympic Games started, France had demonstrated to the world how "good" of a host it could be. The French government, which disregards religious, moral, and social values, also tarnished the symbol of unity, peace, and equality represented by the Olympic Games.

In this way, France faced criticism not only in the East but also in Europe, once again demonstrating how a disgraceful country it is.

It is interesting that the events at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games were France's own choices and plans. The bias and disrespect shown towards Azerbaijani athletes during the games proved how unfit France was to host the Olympic Games. Only a hypocritical state like France would bring politics into sports.

Overall, it should be noted that Armenia's attempt to avenge its defeat on the battlefield through the media is both unprofessional and unethical. Four years have passed since the Second Garabagh War, yet Azerbaijan continues to face these meaningless and baseless accusations.

Instead of being the initiator of peace platforms, following the example of other European countries, the Élysée Palace shows itself as a vindictive and anti-Azerbaijani protector of Armenia. France's hatred of Azerbaijan and its support of a puppet state like Armenia, a project of Tsarist Russia, once again shows how much it has diminished itself.

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