Today.Az » Politics » France's rush in arms supply casts doubts on EUMA's true mission in Armenia [ANALYSIS]
29 May 2024 [08:30] - Today.Az

By Azernews

Elnur Enveroglu

On the one hand, negotiations progress towards achieving peace, on the other hand, bargains run for arms supply in Yerevan in a hasty manner. The Armenian media is in total confusion in mirroring the targets of the local government. This is just a simple manifestation of the tendency to change due to external influences. In the worst case, Armenia becomes a tool in the hands of foreign forces.

The article headlined “France calls for a prompt study of the possibility of supplying Caesar artillery mounts to Armenia” in the first impression, it expresses the concern of the French and Armenian lobby. As the saying goes, if you have more haters, it is a sign you are important and your actions are visible.

The progress of the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the political charisma of Azerbaijan are carefully monitored from the outside. Even the processes have already increased hatred towards Azerbaijan. However, Baku is not worried about the gnashing teeth in the West. On the contrary, it serves as a measure of success for Azerbaijan.

Armenia recently signed a contract for the purchase of three GM200 radars from Thales, and negotiations are underway on the supply of MISTRAL 3 anti-aircraft missile systems. This was stated in the report of the French Senate.

“24 Bastion armored personnel carriers produced by the French company Arquus have been delivered to Armenia. In addition, another 26 vehicles of the same type that are currently being produced should be supplied to Armenia,” the report emphasizes.

It is very interesting that France is doing this at a time when the processes in the South Caucasus are moving rapidly towards peace. It seems that Paris is trying to fortify itself more than Armenia. In the speech delivered in the Senate, it was especially emphasized that the armament process should not be delayed even for a moment.

“Let's not repeat the mistakes and delay the delivery of equipment that would have been needed from the very beginning. That is why we must promptly respond to all requests from the Armenian authorities, especially regarding their need for artillery,” the report noted.

But we wonder what all these hasty measures show that France is preparing for?

The speakers recommend exploring the possibility of supplying Caesar self-propelled artillery units as soon as possible, taking into account the effectiveness of this equipment and the new production capacity of Nexter in 2024 (production increased from 2 to 6 per month). This means that two-thirds of Armenia's budget is spent on defence. If we take into account Armenia's self-defence determination after its defeat in 2020, the first question is where and how those weapons will be used. The question raises another question: what is the European Mission group doing in Armenia to this day? How long can this mission last?

In fact, this rush of France gives reason to Azerbaijan and even the regional states to cast doubts on the true mission of the EU Mission in Armenia. If the two countries can solve their problems without outside interference, then what is the need for the French government to be so worried about Armenia? Therefore, Azerbaijan does not hesitate to have a say and always stands firm in its position. France should not think that the South Caucasus is just a province that it can enter whenever it wants. There may come a time when the possibility of France even coming to Yerevan may become its lasting dream.

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