Today.Az » Politics » Ombudsman's Office representatives visit Azerbaijan Air Force's military unit
31 March 2024 [12:15] - Today.Az

In accordance with the joint action plan for 2024, representatives of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan visited one of the military units of the Air Force, Azernews reports citing the Defense Ministry.

The delegation reviewed the soldiers' dormitory, canteen, warehouse, and other facilities in the territory of the military unit, as well as familiarized themselves with the conditions provided for the military personnel. The guests also inquired about the organization of medical services at the medical point.

Then the Ombudsman's Office representatives met with the servicemen, and gave lectures on the protection of servicemen’s rights, the study of the situation regarding the protection of human rights and other topics.

In the end, the military personnel’s questions were answered.

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