Today.Az » Politics » Heads of religious confessions in Azerbaijan condemn US State Department's decision
12 January 2024 [16:48] - Today.Az

Abbas Ganbay

Heads of religious confessions in Azerbaijan have condemned the decision of the US State Department to include Azerbaijan in the so-called "special watch list" on freedom of religion, Azernews reports.

Members of the Advisory Council of Denominational Leaders adopted a joint statement in which they expressed their strong protest against the destructive decision of the State Department based on the report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).

"We consider such an approach unambiguously subjective and biased. The purpose of the statement is to present an objective position, taking into account the realities of Azerbaijan. At a time when we expect humanitarian and moral support from the international community in the issues related to the reconstruction of Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur liberated from occupation and the process of returning IDPs to their lands, we have to face such biased reports based on false and slanderous statements of revanchist Armenian circles," the statement reads.

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