Today.Az » Politics » Minister: First meeting of expert group on ecology of Caspian Sea to be held in December
05 December 2023 [19:05] - Today.Az

By Asim Aliev

On December 18-19 of the current year an agreement was reached to hold the first meeting of the ad hoc expert group on the preparation of draft documents related to the organization of the activities of the Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea, Azernews reports, citing Azerbaijani Foreign Minister telling at the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Caspian littoral countries Azerbaijani.

He added that this will create an opportunity for constructive dialog and convergence of positions.

The Minister recalled that the problem of swallowing the Caspian Sea became the subject of a comprehensive discussion among the leaders of the Caspian littoral countries at the VI Caspian Summit.

J.Bayramov emphasized that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev proposed to create an expert group to determine the causes and measures to prevent shallowing of the Caspian Sea. Its format is currently being prepared. I am confident that the successful activity of the expert group will allow us to start the process of placing the Secretariat in Baku".

At the meeting of foreign ministers of the Caspian littoral states, the Foreign Minister also emphasized that "the potential of the Caspian Sea may soon turn Azerbaijan into an exporter of green energy".

"In addition to rich oil and gas resources, the Caspian Sea has wind energy potential. The wind energy potential in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea is 157 gigawatts, which can turn Azerbaijan into a green energy exporter in the near future," the Minister stated.

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