Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijan celebrates Constitution Day
12 November 2023 [13:00] - Today.Az

Azerbaijan marks the Constitution Day on November 12, Azernews reports.

It is worth noting that, the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted in 1995 is the first Constitution of independent Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which existed for 23 months in 1918-1920, could not adopt the constitution. Thus, the history of the constitutional structure of the Republic of Azerbaijan mainly falls into the period when it was part of the USSR.

The first Constitution of Azerbaijan was adopted on May 19, 1921 at the First All-Azerbaijan Congress of Soviets. The new edition of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR adapted to the Constitution of the USSR of 1921 was adopted on March 14, 1925 at the IV All-Azerbaijan Congress of Soviets. The last Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR, adopted on April 21, 1978, was adapted to the Constitution of the USSR, like the previous constitutions.

After Azerbaijan gained independence, it became necessary to draft a new Constitution. For this, a special commission headed by President Heydar Aliyev was created, and the draft Constitution was submitted for public discussion. On November 12, 1995, the first Constitution of independent Azerbaijan was adopted by a national referendum.

From that day, November 12 is celebrated as the Constitution Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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