Today.Az » Politics » Zangazur corridor and new players in region: economic importance of 3+3 format
23 October 2023 [08:30] - Today.Az

By Azernews

Afaq Huseynova

The tripartite statement signed by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia ended the Second Garabagh war that started in September 2020 and lasted for 44 days. However, while many outstanding issues left until September 20, Azerbaijan successfully implemented the anti-terror measures - which fulfilled one of the main commitments indicated in the articles of the November 10 declaration.

Moreover, article 9 in the November 10 statement about the opening of the transport link between Azerbaijan and its exclave Nakhchivan AR yet remains undone.

In fact, the opening of the Zangazur Corridor would be one of the most important historical achievements of the Azerbaijani people, who united closely around Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, who wrote the history of our nation’s victory by pursuing a purposeful domestic and foreign policy to save our lands from occupation and restore our territorial integrity. Besides, this transport route, which is an important factor of the economic development stage and is a strategic segment of the Middle Corridor, looks highly promising to create new opportunities for the economic union of the countries of the Turkic world, to fully respond to the interests of the countries of the region, and to form an environment of mutual dialogue and trust with the opening of transport communications in the region. Apart from that, this strategic road will restore the direct connection with Nakhchivan, enable the autonomous republic to get out of the transport blockade and serve to remove the blockade of all economic and transport links in the region.

The strategic importance of the corridor is not limited only to Azerbaijan and the region. Being strategically important for Russia, China, Iran, the European Union, and other countries in terms of creating new transport opportunities in the region, it will significantly increase the desire of foreign companies to invest in the region. In addition to improving the transport map of the continent, Azerbaijan's global logistics - the corridor, which will further strengthen its position as a transit hub, will also increase the importance of the region within international transport corridors, such as the North-South International Transport Corridor and the Middle Corridor. The constructed Fuzuli-Horadiz-Aghband road will lead transport communication to Zangazur, and in the next stage, a new railway and the construction of the highway will begin.

In a nutshell, the Zangazur road will completely change the political and economic landscape of the region and ensure integration in the entire Caucasus.

However, unfortunately, the economic development of the South Caucasus, as well as the joint activities of the nations in the region, are not fully coherent with the interests of external actors, especially the West. For this reason, the West spreads various rumors about the opening of the corridor, and also tries to delay the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Abroad, the separatist forces that rose up against the authorities in Azerbaijan and Armenia and the US congressmen who support them, as well as international public organizations, can be a clear example of all this.

In general, it is no secret that most of the deputies of the European Parliament are more influenced by anti-Azerbaijani sentiment. However, it is not understandable that European parliamentarians today are inclined to destructive activities instead of helping to strengthen peace in the region. Those who support Armenia should not forget that they are doing the greatest harm to Armenia by preventing the opening of corridors and defining borders. The clearly biased resolutions of the EP against our country serve the interests of the radical Armenian community living in Europe and not understanding the realities in Armenia. The result is obvious - after Armenia recognized Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty in Prague and Sochi, the European Parliament's questioning of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty in the resolutions adopted against Azerbaijan is hitting the efforts to ensure long-term peace and stability in the region and encouraging revanchists in Armenia.

Moreover, official Paris equipping Armenia with the most modern weapons, which continues to be an obstacle to the peace process in the South Caucasus, as well as its approach that serves a destructive policy of aggravating conflict, literally leads Armenia to the abyss. However, if Armenia understood how harmful this is for its country, it would spend the financial resources allocated from its budget on more effective projects instead of some modern weapons.

What does the 3+3 format promise on the way to peace talks between Baku and Yerevan?

Against the backdrop of post-war realities, along with the successful activity of Azerbaijan in international organizations, the concept of regional cooperation is certainly welcomed with interest. This concept is of strategic importance for the realization of the Zangazur corridor, which is one of the main goals, as well as for ensuring sustainable peace in the region. Currently, Armenia is trying to hinder the project by creating various obstacles, while economic statistics suggest that the corridor will be profitable even for Armenia itself.

Official Baku considers the launch of the "3+3 cooperation format" extremely important for the creation of a new transport network in the region.

However, the difference of opinion of the other party does not allow to start a dialogue based on the result on this platform. However, it doesn't seem to be taking longer. It also appears that Armenia and its patrons are rapidly losing all the arguments they have used together to prevent the format from becoming a workable mechanism.

With this regard, President Ilham Aliyev also said in his speech - "If Armenia does not give us a passage over Zangazur, Armenia itself will lose, and thus, first of all, it will violate the paragraphs of the November 10 trilateral document.” Because the article in the signed document clearly states that Azerbaijan should have a connection with the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and this is Armenia's obligation. If Armenia does not want to fulfill its obligations, then Azerbaijan does not bear any responsibility for the fulfillment of any obligations.

Thus, Armenia will lose again. Just as the memorandum of understanding signed between Azerbaijan and Iran to build an alternative highway and railroad to Nakhchivan bypassing Iran, which once again marginalized Armenia and deprived it of benefiting projects.

In addition, Georgia's growing interest in participating in transport and energy projects with our country, which official Baku sees as a close partner in the 3+3 format, will further deepen Armenia's regional isolation. There is no doubt that President Ilham Aliyev, who received the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Levan Davitashvili on April 15 last year, stated that "the two countries are successfully implementing the agreements reached in both bilateral and multilateral formats. Baku and Tbilisi are pleased with the increase in cargo transportation, the capacity of the existing infrastructure, and the growth of the trade cycle. However, the prospects are undoubtedly greater, and the parties will work towards the realization of those opportunities in the future."

As for the 3+3 format, which will be discussed at the meeting of the foreign ministers in Tehran, it can be noted that Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia can create a new economic center of gravity in international transit transportation by cooperating geopolitically with Turkiye, Russia, and of course, with Iran in this format. Certainly, the political and economic importance of the Zangazur corridor within this cooperation is undeniable.

The success of this format comes from the parties' understanding of their obligations. Especially, as a regional state, Armenia's sincere approach to this partnership can give a serious impetus to joint steps in the future. Otherwise, refusing these opportunities for Armenia means betraying its people. For this, Armenia should give up all its revanchist and radical ideology. Because Azerbaijan removes all obstacles to go to peace. If Azerbaijan is rebuilding Garabagh today, it means that it wants peace, not war.

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