Today.Az » Politics » Armenian provocations continue in countries supporting Azerbaijan
06 October 2023 [17:25] - Today.Az

Rena Murshud

The Armenian diaspora continues to launch attacks on Azerbaijan, as well as on the countries that support Azerbaijan around the world, Azernews reports.

This time the provocation took place in front of the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry building in Montevideo.

Local Armenians staged a protest in front of the foreign ministry after, in their opinion, the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry responded “too softly” to the unjustified claims of the Armenians. They expected Montevideo to support Armenia and Armenian separatism, not Azerbaijan.

Protestants gathered in front of the ministry held a banner with the inscription that "Azerbaijan is committing a second 'Armenian genocide' and the government of Uruguay is showing indifference."

It is worth noting that Uruguay has repeatedly emphasized that it respects the principles of international law and supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. During the years of the Armenian occupation, local media repeatedly noted that in order to achieve peace, Armenia must end the invasion, the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan must be restored, and refugees and internally displaced persons must return to their homes.

The facts of mass provocations of Armenian nationalists in different countries of the world have turned the inside out of the Armenian ideological base and Armenian reality. Representatives of these people, most of them, no matter where they live, remain followers of the bloody terrorist traditions of the ideologists of the past. They are always radical and far from the concept of humanism, humanity, and peaceful coexistence.

Armenian communities are a potential risk factor, countries where a large number of Armenians live should take this into account and do everything necessary to ensure that law enforcement agencies look both ways, take preventive measures in case of provocations, and bring the perpetrators to justice. We think Uruguay will also draw the appropriate conclusions. And other countries and international organizations will give a harsh assessment of such incidents.

Worst game in bad-ending gathering: provocations spread to Granada

On October 5, members of the Armenian communities of different cities of Spain gathered in Granada to express their unconditional support for the people of the so-called “artsakh”, which on January 1 will lose its Armenian name.

The protest, organized by the Europeans for artsakh initiative, aimed to raise awareness of Azerbaijan's actions against Armenia, condemn the European Union's complicity in "ethnic cleansing" in Azerbaijan, and call for immediate international intervention to stop Azerbaijan's actions.

Question: What actions are we talking about if this territory is the state property of Azerbaijan?

Without deviating away from the topic, it is worth reminding the Armenian diaspora that the rally took place during the meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, the President of the European Council Charles Michel, the President of France Emmanuel Macron and the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz within the framework of the summit of the European Political Community which ended with an unsuccessful ending.

If the leaders of different countries did not achieve anything concrete at the meeting in Granada, then can we talk about demands and calls against Azerbaijan?

Before organizing rallies, let these Armenian diasporas take care of the refugees who left Garabagh of their own free will or under pressure from Armenian lobbyists. For example, we can discuss increasing apartment rents in Armenia at a time when refugees from Garabagh want to return to their homeland.

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