Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » "Big Bud": Worlds biggest farm tractor – PHOTOS
15 April 2010 [17:05] - Today.Az
The World Biggest Farm Tractor was here. the name of the world largest farm tractor was big bud, it was about 27 feet long and 20 feet wide. you can imagine how large is this farm tractor.
They don’t make them like this, anymore, that’s for sure. This bad boy is called Big Bud and it’s the world’s largest farm tractor. It’s 27 feet long, 20 feet wide and 14 feet tall.
Big Bud was built in 1977, in Havre, Montana, by Ron Harmonn and the crew of the Northern Manufacturing Company. It was commissioned by the Rossi Brothers, for their cotton farm, in Bakersfield, California. The main purpose ofBig Bud was deep ripping, and it did the job for 11 years, until in moved to another farm, in Florida.
In 1997, 20 years after it rolled out of the Northern Manufacturing Company, Big Bud returned to Montana, to serve the farm of the Williams Brothers. Here, the giant tractor is used for cultivation purposes, pulling an 80-foot-wide cultivator. Even if you have no agricultural experience, you can tell that’s a damn big cultivator.
Equipped with custom-built tires, made by United Tire Company of Canada, Big Bud can work more than an acre of land in just one minute. The Williams Brothers made some minor modifications to the engine, and the tractor is now able to produce 900 bhp, instead of the initial 760 bhp.
When its gas tank is full, Big Bud tips the scale at 50 tons.
/World Must be Crazy/
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