Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » Former Nokia employees comes with 'Jolla' to rival
21 May 2013 [16:45] - Today.Az

A company made up of former Nokia employees has shown off Jolla, a new smartphone with a custom operating system known as Sailfish.

The software has been built from the remnants of MeeGo, a project abandoned by Nokia in 2011 in favour of adopting Windows Phone for its handsets.

The Jolla phone - pronounced Yol-la - is due to be released by the end of the year, and will only be sold online.

It will enter a market already heavily crowded with several operating systems.

"For a couple of years we haven't had anything really interesting in the mobile phone market," said Antti Saarnio, chairman and co-founder of Jolla.

"This creates opportunities for newcomers to come in. It's different, but it's purposefully different."


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