Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Azerbaijani Culture Days in Tashkent fosters ties between two nations
14 June 2024 [17:57] - Today.Az

Laman Ismayilova

The Days of Azerbaijani Culture in Uzbekistan have wrapped up with a spectacular gala concert, Azernews reports.

Organised by the Azerbaijan Culture Ministry, the five-day event has gone down in history as an art festival that left an indelible mark on the memory of the participants.

The closing concert of the Days of Azerbaijan Culture was a resounding success in the city of Tashkent.

The Azerbaijan State Dance Ensemble presented a mesmerising performance titled "My Azerbaijan" at the Mugimi Musical Drama Theatre.

The audience, composed of cultural and artistic figures from Uzbekistan, as well as public representatives, witnessed a night filled with the best examples of Azerbaijani dance art.

The ensemble showcased a diverse range of traditional Azerbaijani dances, such as "Suita", "Gaval", "Kazagi", "Scarf Dance", "Drum", "Shali", "Kaitagi", "Wedding", "Sword Dance", "Chaychi", and "Vatan" with exceptional professionalism. Each performance, accompanied by musical numbers, captivated the audience and garnered a storm of applause.

Throughout the Azerbaijan Culture Days, cultural and artistic figures from Uzbekistan, along with public representatives, had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Azerbaijani culture.

The Uzbekistan Writers' Union hosted a conference themed "Muhammad Fuzuli and Alisher Navoi: our common literary and spiritual values." On the same day, an Azerbaijani corner started to operate at the Uzbekistan National Library.

Also, a gala concert with the participation of Azerbaijani and Uzbek cultural figures took place at the Uzbekistan Palace of International Forums. Here the guests had a chance to taste Azerbaijani traditional pastries and sweets.

The Days of Azerbaijani Culture were also remembered for the exhibition "Azerbaijani National Heritage in Pearls of Art" at the Uzbekistan Gallery of Fine Arts and the play "I am who I am", presented by the Azerbaijan State Yugh Theatre at the Uzbek State Institute of Art and Culture.

At the same time, Uzbek art enjoyedUzeyir Hajibayli's operetta "The Cloth Peddler".

The Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre demonstrated this world-famous work at the Uzbekistan State Academic Theatre.

Moreover, Mammad Said Ordubadi's book "Sword and Pen" translated into Uzbek, was presented at the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre in Tashkent.

This cultural exchange not only showcased the beauty and diversity of Azerbaijani heritage but also fostered greater understanding and appreciation between the two nations.

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