Gala Ethno Festival has opened its doors to visitors of the Gala State Historical and Ethnographic Reserve, Azernews reports.
Organized by Icherisheher State Historical and Architectural Reserve, the three-day festival featured interactive events, exhibitions, master classes and competitions for adults and children, reflecting the ancient traditions of the Azerbaijani people.

Participants engaged in tabletop games like archery, backgammon, chess, and checkers, while younger visitors enjoyed ethno and children's games as well as drawing contests.

The festival also featured an exhibition showcasing historical photos of Gala, offering visitors a glimpse into its rich cultural heritage.

Additionally, cultural figures gathered under a 300-year-old pistachio tree at the "Potter's House," a museum complex within the Gala State Historical-Ethnographic Reserve.
Various meetings and workshops on topics such as "Turkish stamps", "Ceramic art" and "Absheron archaeology", and more added to the ethno-cultural experience of the festival, providing opportunities for hands-on learning in traditional crafts and ancient professions.

With its abundance of historical monuments, Gala State Historical Ethnographic Reserve offers unique insight into the past.
Founded in 2008, the Reserve treasures a rich collection of artifacts discovered during archaeological excavations. Traveling these historical sight will mesmerize you for sure.
People in love with historical journeys take great pleasure for visiting Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography (open-air), the Museum of Antiques and Castle Museum (partly open-air), operating under the Reserve.
The museum centers display more than 2,000 archaeological and architectural monuments, including ancient rock paintings, pottery, household items, jewelry, weapons, coins and much more.
The 18th-century tandoor and two underground passages (10th-15th centuries), old houses, portable tents made of animal skins, stone and straw houses with domes are of particular interest.
Ancient mounds, grave stones, dwellings, places of worship and other monuments also ultimately grab attention of curious visitors.
Gala settlement, where the Reserve operates, is especially famous for its magnificent rock carvings. Hunting scenes, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images are depicted on the ancient stones.
Scenes of sacrifice, separate images of deer, goats, oxen can also be found here. Ancient findings are presented in the open-air museum and a mosque next to Gesr tower.
Gala is considered one of the oldest shopping centers. Even in the 17th century, the European traveler Engelbert Kempfer wrote that salt, which is distinguished by its taste and whiteness, was mined in the village of Gala.
The eighteenth-century researcher, Johann Lerch, in his notes told about the journey to the village of Gala. In the 40s of the 19th century, the Russian traveler Berezin also mentioned in his notes the fortress in the village of Gala.
Today Gala State Reserve successfully preserves the spirit of Azerbaijan's historical past. Every year, the Reserve welcomes dozens of visitors who are ready to soak up an unforgettable atmosphere of this place.