Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Vagif Poetry Days participants gather in Shusha
14 July 2023 [17:37] - Today.Az

Vagif Poetry Days has started today, bringing together guests of the event in Shusha, known as Azerbaijan's cultural capital.

Co-organized by Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the Culture Ministry and Azerbaijan Writers' Union, the large-scale event is scheduled for July 14-15, Azernews reports.

Within the event, the guests will first visit restored religious and historical-cultural monuments in Shusha. The opening ceremony will take place in the second half of the day.

The opening ceremony will be followed by poetry and concert programs.

Vagif Poetry Days was held for the first time in the poet's native city after its liberation from the Armenian occupation.

Azerbaijan's national leader Heydar Aliyev was the first, who instructed holding the Vagif Poetry Days. Until 1991, the cultural event was held annually in Azerbaijan.

The Vagif Poetry Days held 2021 and 2022 were remembered by fascinating performances, colorful exhibitions, literary symposiums, and the heart-touching poetic composition "From Nizami to Vagif". This year, Vagif Poetry Days also promise to be very special.

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