Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Book about Azerbaijani carpets’ Tabriz school presented
20 June 2013 [08:45] - Today.Az

The Presentation of a book on Azerbaijani carpets’ Tabriz school has taken place in Baku. The book was published by “Azer-Ilme” LLC as part of the project titled “All schools of Azerbaijani carpet-weaving”. The book presents the characteristics of Tabriz school of carpet-weaving and offers photos of 89 carpets preserved in a special collection.

Carpets related to Tabriz group are notable for compositional ornament, high technology and artistic design. The book was published in Hebrew, English, French, Italian, German, Russian and Turkish.

Earlier books dedicated to the Irevan and Karabakh schools of the Azerbaijani carpet-waving art were published as part of the project.

“Azer-Ilme” LLC, which offers unique contributions to the material and cultural resources of world civilization through its activity, preserves the traditions of Azerbaijani carpet-weaving, develops the art of carpet weaving, and promotes it through carpet sales worldwide.

“Azer-Ilme” became the centre of carpet weaving in 1996. Today, more than 350 employees work in the company including artists, art critics, and other specialists. Various types of decorative carpets are made in the company using the old traditions and modern technologies. The complete cycle of carpet weaving is conducted through traditional and modern technologies including spinning yarn, dying wool with natural dyes, weaving carpets, and post-weaving tightening and washing.

“Azer-Ilme” preserves the artistic and technical features of the carpets woven by national artisans in Gazakh, Borchali, Goyche, Zangezur, Aghbaba, Derechichek, Pashali, Jalaloglu, Hamamli, Sharur, Dereleyaz, Derbent, Tabriz, Ardebil, Sarab, and other historical regions of Azerbaijan. The carpets woven from silk and wool by the professional weavers in Azer-Ilme workshops are notable for their fine weave, high knot density, unique compositions, and bright harmonious colours.


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