Today.Az » Analytics » Contradictions in Armenia's policies - Recognizing Garabagh while punishing expression
03 February 2025 [20:00] - Today.Az

By Elnur Enveroglu

Yet terrified by the names Turk and Azerbaijani, Armenian society has been shaped over the centuries in such a spirit of usurpation and national hostility that even today when they hear those names, they cannot recover from their anger.

On a seemingly ordinary day in Yerevan, a group of Iranian Azerbaijanis sang a Garabagh song in the city's centre, igniting a storm of reactions in the Armenian media and social media. This incident is more than just a simple act of cultural expression; it is a lens through which the deep-rooted Turkophobia and Azerbaijanophobia in Armenian society can be examined.

The intense reaction from Armenian media and social media segments underscores the entrenched prejudices and phobias against Turks and Azerbaijanis. The uproar and hatred expressed online are not isolated incidents but rather symptoms of a larger issue within the societal fabric of Armenia. For years, these phobias have been nurtured and propagated through nationalist ideologies and historical narratives that cast Turks and Azerbaijanis as perpetual adversaries.

Armenian National Security Service Investigation: Criminalizing Cultural Expression

In response to the singing incident, the Armenian National Security Service (NSS) launched an investigation and determined that the singers were Iranian citizens. This raises a crucial question: under which article of the Armenian Criminal Code is singing a song in Azerbaijani considered a violation? The arrest of one of the singers under the charge of "hooliganism" starkly demonstrates the extent to which the rule of law and human rights are upheld in Armenia. It is a glaring indicator of how cultural expression can be criminalized in a society gripped by deep-seated phobias.

Normally, Armenia, under Pashinyan's pro-Western rule, is presented as the cradle of democracy in the Caucasus. In fact, historically, Armenia has organized assassinations and murders of its own political leaders, and all these crimes have been covered up.

It is not worth going too far off-topic. It is only in Garabagh that one can get acquainted with the true mentality of the Armenians, who simply plundered and destroyed national and cultural wealth.

Although Armenia finally confirmed that Garabagh is Azerbaijani territory after its humiliating defeats, the persistence of territorial claims in society is striking.

If Armenia officially recognizes Garabagh as part of Azerbaijan, the vilification and arrest of an Iranian citizen for singing a Garabagh song become even more illogical and hypocritical. This incident exposes the contradictions in Armenia's policies and actions. On the one hand, Armenia's official stance acknowledges Garabagh as Azerbaijani territory; on the other, it punishes individuals for expressing this reality through song. This dichotomy highlights the inconsistency and hypocrisy in Armenia's approach to its own policies.

Putting everything aside, what is the source of their hatred for the Turkish nation?

It is known that among the Armenians there is a group of radical nationalists, who advocate Nazism even today, if they are given the opportunity, they would commit massacres against the nation they consider an enemy. The reasons for this are various, but the most important is that Armenian society still considers themselves to be the followers of Nzhdeh Garegin, who was a loyal servant of the Nazi regime.

The nationalist ideology of "Nzhdeism," which has significantly influenced Armenian society, has long fostered hatred and intolerance towards Turks and Azerbaijanis. This ideology is manifested in actions such as the burning of the Azerbaijani flag at sports events in Armenia, the erection of monuments to terrorists in Yerevan, and other displays of animosity. Such actions perpetuate a cycle of hostility and impede the prospects of reconciliation and peace between the nations.

This poses an important question: To what extent is Armenian society ready for a stable and lasting peace with Azerbaijan and Turkiye without addressing and eliminating Turkophobia and Azerbaijanophobia? This question remains unanswered and is crucial for the future of regional relations. True peace and stability can only be achieved if both sides work towards eradicating deeply ingrained prejudices and fostering mutual respect and understanding.

The Zangazur Corridor: A Point of Contention

This incident also brings into focus the control of the Zangazur corridor. The deep-seated distrust and animosity between Armenia and Azerbaijan suggest that the corridor should not be controlled solely by Armenian border guards and customs officers. Ensuring impartial oversight of this vital transit route is essential for maintaining security and stability in the region.

One could also argue that if Armenia respects Azerbaijani territories, it should remove the preamble from its constitution that claims a territory against Azerbaijan according to its declaration of independence. Armenia's inadequate and dual approach to issues always undermines trust in it, and it can be concluded that it makes sense to reach every agreement with Armenia only on a signed paper.

On the other hand, Armenia should put aside its territorial claims against both Turkiye and Azerbaijan, as well as national animosity. This is considered a guarantee of strong and healthy relations with both states in the future.

As is seen, the incident involving Iranian Azerbaijanis singing a Garabagh song in Yerevan is a microcosm of the broader societal issues plaguing Armenia. It highlights the deep-rooted phobias, the inconsistencies in policy, and the challenges to human rights and cultural expression. For Armenia to move towards a future of peace and cooperation with Azerbaijan and Turkiye, it must confront and address these underlying prejudices. Only then can a path to genuine reconciliation and stability be forged.

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