In addition to the reported evil acts of Iran's incumbent regime against human rights in the name of Islam, the news keeps coming about other fresh venomous provocations of the mullahcracy, that is, the mass poisoning of female students in some provinces of the country.
Moreover, almost all suspicions vis-a-vis the poisoning of female students indicate that Iran's religious structures have a hand in these crimes, and a branch of the IRGC with headquarters in the city of Qom is believed to be behind the mass poisoning of young girls.

Reports leaked out of the country reveal that almost 700 girls have been poisoned by toxic gas in Iran since November, in what, many independent experts see as a deliberate attempt to force parents against sending their daughters to schools.
As reports indicate, the first poisoning incident was registered on 30 November, when 18 students from the Nour Technical School in the religious city of Qom were hospitalized.
Since then, over 10 schools for girls have been targeted in the surrounding provinces.
At least 194 girls are reported to have been poisoned in the past week at four schools in the city of Borujerd, in the western province of Lorestan.

As the reports further reveal, Iran has never ceased violating human rights and tarnishes the Islamic world with many such sinister plots that are devised to prevent young and resourceful generations in the country from attending schools and universities.
However, these are the tip of the iceberg that surfaces in the public domain and show the atrocities against citizens of the country.
The immoral behavior of representatives of the mullahcracy is believed to be committed under the eye of top members of religious organizations, who are believed to have an involvement in crimes such as human trafficking, child abuse, and molesting of young ladies. And sadly to say that those are mostly virgin girls who were persuaded to study religion before they get caught by the regime’s poisonous hook.

The victim speaks
An Azerbaijani woman, called Gultakin Majidova, narrated what happened to her once she was in Iran’s Qom for study purposes:
“In 2006, they took us to Qom, Iran, to study. We were a few female students. One day, a female teacher invited us to Imam Juma's house in the city of Qom, supposedly on the occasion of Fatima Zahra's birthday. We were very happy even though we didn't know anything. However, during the event, at 11 o'clock at night, they took me to Imam Juma's room and made a sigha (forced betrothal) between the man and me. I could not raise my voice because of fear. Because we were taught that the Imam Juma of any city in Iran is a representative of Ayatollah Khomeini. He is supposedly the representative of Imam Sahib az Zaman, who is absent, and if you oppose him, you are deemed to have opposed Imam Sahib az Zaman – as we were instilled with.”
Gultekin said later she learned that her group mates were also put in other cells and made to fornicate with the "religious people" there.
“After that bloody day, I could escape and found a way out to return to Baku, but several girls who went there with me could not return. Because some of them got pregnant and gave birth to children, whose fathers are still unknown. And what made me to grieve more was about the sexual violence against the girls who were said to have been raped more than 10 times."

Children abused in prison...
Protests in Iran also shed some lights on the flip side of Iran’s decaying government system. “Pedophilia and sexual abuse in prisons and detention places were widespread and are almost practical,” said a detainee in the protests against the regime. Together with him, several activists who were arrested during the protests were both victims and witnesses of the regime's immorality saying that they saw the most disgusting acts of the regime’s guardians inside custody. One of them noted that mainly boys and girls under 16 were raped in prison, who then die in prison succumbing to violence or committing suicide after being released.
The regime in Iran has been committing heinous crimes in the garb of religion for almost 44 years such as human right violation, executions, sexual harassment, and a number of terror acts in and out of the country. Iran is also one of the countries that promote racism, and the regime’s biggest victims are the Iranian people, especially Azerbaijani Turks who regularly face ethnic discrimination by the regime. The elites in Iran's government structure squander the people’s resources and opportunities while suppressing freedom and basic human rights.
Iran’s Islamic regime is also the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, and for over 40 years their malign behavior and support for terrorist proxies have spread across the region.
On August 20, 2020, the United States initiated the snapback procedure in UN Security Council resolution 2231 to return virtually all of the previous UN sanctions on Iran, including the UN arms embargo and restrictions on Iran enriching and processing nuclear material. Starting on September 20, 2020, Iran is also prohibited by the UN from testing and developing ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
Despite all these drastic measures, this seems insufficient. The international community must stand together against the Iranian regime’s racist acts and support for terror.