TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Azerbaijani dancers take aprt at World Champ in Denmark

26 October 2013 [11:05] - TODAY.AZ
By AzerNews

Azerbaijani dancers took part at the World Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark, in various dance categories like hip-hop, electro-boogie, and break dance, Captain of The National Team Aziz Azizov said.

Azerbaijani team "Crazy Eyes" gained 4th place at the Hip-Hop competitions of the World Championship.

"It was a huge dance marathon and it was very interesting to compete against them. We have become acquainted with them and have exchanged contacts, and it was a tremendous experience. It is an unforgettable experience for us. A very good incentive has appeared for professional growth," national team members noted.

According to Azizov, who is also the president of the Association of modern and social dances of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani team can achieve even greater success.

"For the first time, Azerbaijani dancers took part in such high-level competitions against strong dancers from different countries -Denmark, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Norway, Slovenia, the Netherlands, South Africa, England, Romania, etc. Of course, many would say that the boys participated in the tournament for the first time and gaining fourth place in the world is very good. I agree with that. But we can do better! And I promise a big change in the near future, both in training the dancers and in the judging system and the structure of our organization. This year we only have one international tournament, the World Championship on Show Dance, which will be held in late November in Germany," he stated.

Azizov further noted that Azerbaijani dancers are currently among the top five teams.

"And we will try to be the first. Want to thank those who supported us and believed in us! Thank you!" Association President said.

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