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'Jet downed by Syria, but not with anti-aircraft fire'

14 July 2012 [13:05] - TODAY.AZ
A Turkish jet downed on June 22 was definitely not shot down by anti-aircraft fire as suggested by Syrian officials, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) said on Friday, while also making clear once more that the jet was shot down by Syria.

“In light of the recent criminal investigations, it has been established that there is no possibility that our fallen jet was shot down by anti-aircraft fire, as had initially been suggested by Syrian authorities,” the TSK said in a written statement posted on its official website.

A July 11 written statement on TSK’s official website had led to confusion, because it had declined to use the term “shot down by Syria” for the first time. It instead referred to: “our plane that Syria claimed to have shot down.”

With its statement on Friday, the TSK reiterated that the jet was “shot down” by Syria, while, however, noting that how it was shot down by Syria would be established after the entire research was finalized. The TSK, however, did not elaborate on the reason for the changed expression in July 11’s statement.

“After the significant pieces [of the jet] on the seabed are recovered and their technical examination is finished, it will be possible to find out how our plane was shot down by Syria,” the latest TSK statement read.

“We ask for patience until all our investigations are thoroughly completed, and also for respect to the official statements made by the authorities on the subject of our fallen jet from our most valued public and all press members,” it also said, apparently referring to the debates that ensued following its July 11 statement.

The currently halted wreck rescue will restart shortly, the TSK noted, without giving a specific date.


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