Today.Az » Society » Azerbaijani students won TÜRKSOY essay competition
05 October 2024 [14:05] - Today.Az

The International Turkic Culture Organization (TÜRKSOY) has announced the winners of the essay competition among school students on the topic "Makhit Mukhli - Thinker and Poet," held in collaboration with the ministries of education of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turkiye, and Uzbekistan, starting on March 15, Azernews reports.

Three winners were announced from each country.

From Azerbaijan, the winners are Fidan Karimli, Khumar Mammadova, and Nazrin Hasanli. The other winners include Alimjan Dulat, Akerke Cantask?z?, and Aykerkem Turl?gaz? from Kazakhstan; Gulendam Rahimova, Mehricamal Begcanova, and Tumar Ashirova from Turkmenistan; Akylay Melisova, Qubara Sovetbekova, and Elzana Mirlanova from Kyrgyzstan; Shahzoda Bahtiyerova, Nodircon Rakhmiddinov, and Madina Toqabekova from Uzbekistan; and Betül Düriye Akta?, Asude Koru, and Fatmanur Ogüt from Turkiye.

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