Today.Az » Society » Foreign travelers observe mine clearance process in Azerbaijan's Jabrayil
04 May 2024 [15:33] - Today.Az

An extended group of 30 people from the National Club of International Travelers of Norway, Vagaclub, has observed the mine clearance process in Jojug Marjanly village, Jabrayil district, Azernews reports.

This concluded the visit of international travelers to Azerbaijan's Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur regions.

The delegation visited Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur for three days, traveling along the route Fuzuli-Shusha-Aghdam-Lachin-Jabrayil.

To note, the visit of a delegation of foreign travelers to the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation started on May 2. The delegation of 30 representatives of the National Club of International Travelers of Norway, Vagaclub, was headed by Jorn Augestad.

Meanwhile, nine visits to Garabagh and Eastern Zangezur were made by representatives of major travel networks: ETIC, MTP, TCC, NomadMania, as well as Turkish Travel Club, British Piki Reels, and Swedish Club 100.

Altogether, more than 360 international travelers from 46 countries had the opportunity to learn about the situation in the liberated territories during the trips that took place. Through them, millions of people around the world received detailed information about the real situation in Garabagh.

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