Today.Az » Society » Interest in health tourism grows in Azerbaijan
28 August 2023 [18:07] - Today.Az

In recent years, there has been an increase in the interest of foreigners in health tourism in Azerbaijan, expert economist Vugar Bayramov said, Azernews reports.

According to him, the number of guests from the Persian Gulf countries in Azerbaijan in the summer months continues to decline. In general, according to the State Border Service, the number of tourists arriving in Azerbaijan in the first 7 months of this year increased by 37.4 percent compared to the same period last year and reached 1 million 143 thousand people. The geographical structure of tourists arriving in Azerbaijan has changed compared to previous years, with an increase in the number of Europeans and a decrease in the number of Arab tourists. Thus, during this period, the number of arrivals from CIS countries increased 1.7 times to 477.1 thousand people, the number of arrivals from EU member countries increased by 36.5 percent to 57.2 thousand people, the number of arrivals from the Persian Gulf countries decreased by 8.6 percent to 185.4 thousand people. The decrease in the number of Arab tourists, and growing interest in alternative tourist markets, This is due to the still high prices of tourism in Azerbaijan. The increase in arrivals from Europe is due to an increase in business travelers and a growing special interest in the region as a whole.

"At the same time, recent years have seen an increase in foreigners' interest in health tourism in Azerbaijan. After the energy sector, tourism is the sector that brings the most foreign exchange to the country. More than 3 million tourists visited the country in 2019, and foreigners spent about $2.6 billion in Azerbaijan this year. From this point of view, it is important to update the country of origin of tourists, especially to strengthen cooperation in this field with countries located in Europe and Southeast Asia. This can increase the stability of tourism revenues," the expert noted.

The country has a long history of providing medical services to visitors from around the world, dating back to the Soviet era. Today, Azerbaijan offers a wide range of treatments, from traditional medicine to cutting-edge treatments. The country has a well-developed healthcare system, with modern hospitals and clinics, and a highly skilled medical workforce.

Azerbaijan has seen an increase in medical tourism in recent years due to its attractive prices and high quality of care. The country offers a variety of treatments, from cosmetic surgery to fertility treatments, and is becoming increasingly popular with those seeking medical treatments abroad.

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