Today.Az » Society » Number of lawyers in Azerbaijan is increasing
26 August 2023 [16:00] - Today.Az

A large-scale meeting of the Presidium of the Collegium of Advocates and a solemn ceremony of swearing in of candidates to the advocates took place, Azernews reports.

The press service of the Collegium informed that first, the souls of our martyrs who died for the Motherland were honoured with a minute's silence, the National Anthem of Azerbaijan sounded.

Speaking at the event, Chairman of the Board of the Bar Association Anar Baghirov spoke about the history, development and raising the prestige of the Bar in Azerbaijan, and also positively assessed the recently adopted amendments to the Civil Procedure Code.

It was reported that 11 written tests for admission to the Bar Association have been held since 2018. Of the 4,594 candidates who took part in these exams, 1,357 passed the professional exams, successfully completed the mandatory training and took the oath of an advocate.

A.Bagirov noted that today, after taking the oath, 46 candidates who successfully passed the qualification exams and compulsory training were admitted to the Bar: "Thus, the number of advocates has reached 2334 people. Currently, of the lawyers participating in the swearing-in ceremony, 32 are men and 14 are women. Of them, 3 lawyers will work in the regions, and 43 - in Baku. Among the candidates Mirzamedova Gulzade Ilham gizi Mirzamedova, born in 1998, is our youngest lawyer".

MP Bahruz Magerramov said the Azerbaijani advocacy has passed an honourable historical path: "During the presidency of Anar Baghirov, the advocacy in Azerbaijan has achieved successes desired by great leader Heydar Aliyev. President Ilham Aliyev is today the greatest friend and supporter of lawyers. The legal profession in Azerbaijan today is free and independent. If a young Azerbaijani wants to become a lawyer, this profession has a reputation".

B.Magerramov was awarded with the jubilee sign "100th anniversary of the Bar Association of Azerbaijan" for effective co-operation with the Bar Association, as well as for his contribution to the development of the Bar.

The candidate advocates made a speech and stated that they were satisfied that they had learnt the profession of advocate and were grateful to the Presidium of the Bar Association for the intensive conduct of the qualification examinations for admission to the Bar.

Then, a swearing-in ceremony was held for the candidates who had successfully passed the qualification examinations for admission to the Bar Association and had undergone compulsory training, the candidates to the Bar took an oath in front of the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan and were presented with certificates.

In the second part of the event, a group of members of the Collegium who distinguished themselves in the course of their activities and celebrated their anniversaries were honoured.

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