Today.Az » Society » Heydar Aliyev Foundation created internet-portal «Azerbaijan»
24 July 2005 [09:16] - Today.Az
The Heydar Aliyev Foundation created the Internet-portal «?zerbaijan» (

The rich geopolitical history of Azerbaijan, the country’s socio-economic and cultural life, as well as the information of individual regions, towns and settlements, recreation areas, of the life and creative activities of the outstanding political figures and persons involved in the arts of the republic are reflected there, the Foundation’s executive director Anar Alekperov told Trend.

The facts on construction works carried out by Heydar Aliyev, successful achievements of the constructive reforms results are placed on the site.

All stuff is placed in the section under the titles “News”, “Economy”, “Culture”, “Society”, “State Power”, “Azerbaijan in the World Community” and other. The separate section is dedicated to the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the problem of the Armenian aggression, refugees and internally displaced persons of Azerbaijan.

According to the author’s idea, opening of such Internet-portal will establish a favorable ground for the increase of the investments flow to the country, development of tourist opportunities and expansion of international links. For those wishing to have more information about Azerbaijan such an opportunity will be granted.

The portal’s presentation will take place in the evening of 22 July involving the state’s officials, representatives of the intelligentsia and the public of the country.

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