Today.Az » Society » Families with triplets to get home in Azerbaijan
14 October 2014 [09:07] - Today.Az


By Amina Nazarli

Birth of a baby is one of the happiest moments in the life of every parent and when the number of babies reaches three, the happiness triples.

Childbirth usually causes significant changes in the organized life of a family: Parents' spend all their time and energy to create favorable conditions for the newborns.

But it sometimes may cause a challenge for families who live in a rented apartment or have little space to maintain their chits. In most cases, these families are experiencing difficulties when they have to pay for food, diapers and baby clothes.

In Azerbaijan, families with triplets may have a chance to get an apartment, the Azerbaijan State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs said on October 10.

The birth of triplets is a quite stressful period for parents both in moral and financial terms. That is why the government has taken more measures to facilitate the life of such families.

In addition, it also plans to improve social services provision for large families and low-income families, including single-parent families, families of martyrs, as well as families who live with a person with disability.

Alongside with it, the strategy is aimed to increase the benefits for disability, maternity, pregnancy and childbirth.

This law is part of a new project called "Strategy of Azerbaijani family" and developed by the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs in the framework of the concept "Azerbaijan 2020: Look into the Future".

Meanwhile, the State Committee said that the bill has already been discussed by the working group. The revised document would be sent to the other government agencies.

A national legislation sets the benefits for a child and his family in Azerbaijan, including allowance for the birth of a child in the amount of 90 manat ($114,752), allowance for children up to 1.5 years in the amount of 30 manat, and benefit for child aged between 1.5 to 3 years in the amount of 15 manat.

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