Today.Az » World news » IAEA resolution to urge Iran to cooperate
18 November 2011 [11:00] - Today.Az
A resolution on Iran was agreed upon by six world powers this week, aiming to push Tehran into answering the IAEA's questions about its alleged nuclear weapons programme by March, dpa reported.
Here are the key points of the draft text that the 35-country board of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is to vote on on Friday.
The text "expresses deep and increasing concern about the unresolved issues regarding the Iranian nuclear program, including those which need to be clarified to exclude the existence of possible military dimensions."
It "stresses that it is essential for Iran and the [International Atomic Energy] Agency to intensify their dialogue aiming at the urgent resolution of all outstanding substantive issues," and that Tehran should grant access "to all relevant information, documentation, sites, material, and personnel in Iran."
The resolution urges Iran to comply with past UN Security Council resolutions, which have called on the country to halt its nuclear programme as a confidence-building step.
The board "expresses its continuing support for a diplomatic solution, and calls on Iran to engage seriously and without preconditions in talks aimed at restoring international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme ..."
The draft also requests IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano "to include in his progress report to the March 2012 meeting of the Board of Governors an assessment of the implementation of this resolution."