Today.Az » World news » Macron's approval rating has dropped to a record low
24 September 2024 [19:41] - Today.Az

French President Emmanuel Macron's approval rating among French citizens has dropped to its lowest point in his seven years as head of state, according to a recent survey by polling company Odoxa, Azernews reports.

A mere 25% of the French population positively assesses the president's performance, while the remaining 75% express dissatisfaction with Macron's actions. This marks a significant decline in support for the once-popular leader, who swept into office in 2017 with promises of reforming France's economy and political landscape.

The poll also revealed that only 39% of respondents consider newly appointed Prime Minister Michel Barnier to be doing a "good" job. In contrast, a staggering 59% believe he is performing poorly in his role as premier. This represents the highest level of disapproval for a prime minister at the time of appointment in the past seven years.

Some 61% of the French public believes that Macron, rather than Barnier, will be the de facto leader of the country. The survey also gauged opinions on Jean-Luc Mélenchon, founder of the left-wing party "La France Insoumise," with 68% of respondents expressing a negative view of him.

The poll surveyed over 1,000 individuals.

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