Today.Az » World news » France was shown where her button is
02 August 2024 [15:30] - Today.Az

By Leyla Tarverdiyeva, Day.Az 

The commission of the French Senate issued a funny report entitled "Combating malicious external interference."

Having read the theses of this document, you find yourself faced with a difficult choice - to be proud or to laugh? There are reasons for both. Just imagine - a country of 70 million, one of the world powers, once an empire and spinning the European Union, is afraid of little Azerbaijan. Moreover, according to the report, we threaten France "from all directions." In a word, we have surrounded the Fifth Republic and are encroaching on its democracy. Well, how can you not be proud? Hang on, America, let's get France over with, let's get on with you...

It's funny to us, but the commission of the French Senate does not seem to be very good. The spirit that permeates the text regarding Azerbaijan suggests that Paris did not expect it to come to this. It will come to the point that France will have to take this small South Caucasian state seriously, analyze its actions, develop a strategy against its steps and occupy a circular defense, fearfully waiting for where it will once again "attack". They did not think, they did not think at the Elysee Palace that this would end it all. After all, Azerbaijan was not taken seriously, it was brushed off like a mosquito and considered as one of the countries in a long queue wishing to kiss a European hand. It turned out that Azerbaijan did not occupy the queue, and even more - it was his fault that it had noticeably thinned recently.

The drafters of the report are touchingly perplexed that after France provided support to Armenia, Azerbaijan began to show active hostility and relations between the two countries suffered an "unprecedented crisis." Indeed, why are we so. Paris didn't do anything like that. All he did was support the aggressor, spread Armenian narratives, slandered Azerbaijan, interfered in its internal affairs, conspired in international organizations against our country, called on Baku's partners to take punitive measures, and so on. It is even "strange" that all these innocent pranks led to the destruction of relations between Paris and Baku.

Even here we are trying to talk with humor about something that is not funny at all. Azerbaijan has always tried to sweeten the bitter aftertaste of Paris' policy towards our country, because it was set up in a friendly way. But after Macron came to power, and especially after the 44-day war, France stopped hiding its gastronomic preferences completely. 

The behavior of the French side became openly hostile, and it was her choice, unprovoked. Macron declared war on Baku, and Baku unexpectedly accepted the challenge for the French side. 

And it turned out that the Fifth Republic is not as invulnerable as it thought, and little Azerbaijan, on the contrary, is much less vulnerable than expected. We didn't expect it. We did not think that Baku would dare to step on Paris's tail and show where his button is. Yes, a great culture, yes, a civilizational contribution, yes, the cradle of democracy and so on. These regalia are beautiful, but they do not give the state the forgiveness of sins and the right to interfere in the affairs of other countries and trample on their interests.

France should not be offended by what came to her in response to her outright hostility. Baku is well-versed in global geopolitics, so it arrived in Paris very competently and to the point. And in full compliance with international law and the decisions of the UN Security Council.

The Baku Initiative Group, which in the Senate report appears almost as some kind of terrorist group, is actually only initiated by Azerbaijan, and its contents are formed by countries and territories crushed by French neocolonialism. Such a category as French neocolonialism is not a product of sick propaganda like the "blockade of Artsakh" or the "ethnic cleansing of Armenians", it is a real phenomenon that millions of people suffer from. 

The Azerbaijani side has only provided a platform for those whom the developed world has written off. The Non-Aligned Movement is not an NGO, not an interest club, it is the second largest international organization after the UN, and the Baku Initiative Group exists within this structure. The accusations in the Senate report of Azerbaijan's organization of destabilization and social tension in the overseas territories of France, and even with support, are absolutely groundless... Russia (?!). Let's not go into detail, let's just say one thing: if residents of the overseas territories of France are ready to renounce citizenship of the leading EU country, for which many would give everything, then there are very serious reasons for this. This is the main argument that should force the relevant international institutions to pay attention to the problems of these peoples.

France flinches every time someone from its overseas territories or from the states under its control comes to Baku. Statements from Paris are beginning to disturb the space. And why? The boomerang tends to come back. Before making reports, French senators and other officials should remember how magnificently the Armenian separatists were received in the same Senate, how they applauded the speeches of war criminals, hugged scoundrels. 

Throughout the years of the Armenian occupation, France has consistently supported and justified the aggressor. There was enough intelligence not to do this at the highest level until Macron came. More recently, in December 2022, Araik Harutyunyan, now sunbathing in the Baku pre-trial detention center, went on a "working visit" to Paris, held meetings there, spoke, gave interviews to French TV channels, where he was breathlessly called "president".

In no case do we compare Araik Harutyunyan with the leaders of the liberation movement of Corsica or New Caledonia. The latter are freedom fighters of the peoples oppressed by the colonialists, and Araik is a banal separatist. There are no parallels between the "miatsum" and the struggle of the French colonies for freedom.

And now the most interesting thing is the Olympics. It's time to ask in the words of the unforgettable Shurik: "Excuse me, did I ruin the chapel too?".

The French side is trying to impose calls for a boycott of the Games on Azerbaijan. This is pure insinuation. Azerbaijan has never called for this, on the contrary, its athletes fought for licenses. The French have no grounds or evidence for such accusations, but they have boundless imagination. She suggested to Macron propaganda a fake about a certain disinformation campaign. There is no such campaign, it was invented by the French agency Viginum, specializing in protection against digital interference. 

After monitoring the sites (apparently Azerbaijani), the service, as indicated in the report, "identified this campaign as "Olympiya".".. Sorry, but how do we identify the indefinite anti-Azerbaijani campaign in the French media and what should we call it? Tell me a suitable French word, but so that it doesn't sound very obscene in translation.

Azerbaijani media have every right to publish any news that is publicly available. All the negative facts about the 2024 Games were first published in foreign media, and then they got into Azerbaijani ones. 

The French media themselves spoke unfavorably about the preparatory work and organization of the Olympics, wrote about embezzlement, embezzlement and other things. What does Azerbaijan have to do with it? We hope that no one will cheat Baku for the poor health of athletes who swam in the Hay in a race with E. coli, for the shortcomings in providing athletes with food, for cardboard beds squeezed under weightlifters, for the shame at the opening of the Games and the lack of security.

We declare with all responsibility that we have nothing to do with it...

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