Today.Az » World news » Russia offers building NPP in Kazakhstan
05 April 2019 [14:24] - Today.Az

By  Trend

Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered his Kazakh counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to build a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan, Trend reports via Kazakh media.

"We propose to move to new forms of interaction. First of all I mean the possibility of building a NPP in Kazakhstan using Russian technologies," Putin said following talks with Tokayev.

He also noted that Russia and Kazakhstan are key economic partners for each other.

"Bilateral trade is growing at a steady pace. Last year, it increased by 4.5 percent and exceeded $18 billion," the Russian leader said.

Putin added that the accumulated Russian investment in Kazakhstan amounts to almost $13 billion, and Kazakhstan's investment in Russia is almost $4 billion.

Later, Vice-Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev commented on Putin's proposal to build a NPP in Kazakhstan.

"The decision on the construction of a NPP has not yet been made. So far we have only determined the site, we will choose the technology that is most suitable for us. We will held negotiations. This issue requires further study," he told reporters.

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