Today.Az » World news » Turkmenistan approves Digital Economy Development Concept
03 December 2018 [12:15] - Today.Az

By  Trend

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has approved the Digital Economy Development Concept in the country for 2019-2025, the Turkmenistan State News Agency reported.

It is planned to implement the concept aimed at the growth of business and investment activity, the introduction of advanced methods of public administration and the creation of new jobs in three stages.

In accordance with the presidential decree, ministries, sectoral departments, regional and city administration, companies, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership types, as well as private entrepreneurs were instructed to ensure the implementation of the aforementioned concept.

The concept outlines the goal, objectives and main directions of development of the Turkmen digital economy, as well as measures to increase the contribution of information and communication technologies to the formation of the gross domestic product (GDP), as well as to improve the digital sphere of the national economy.

In February, it was reported that the Turkmen National Academy of Sciences was entrusted with development of the "Digital Turkmenistan", a new state program. The main goal is to stimulate the development of information and communication technologies and increase the contribution of this sector to the GDP of the country, as well as eliminate the “digital difference” in the life of the population of provinces, cities and villages.

Turkmenistan has big opportunities for the development of digital infrastructure using telemedicine, computer and telecommunication technologies through additional e-services for rendering remote consultations and knowledge, according to local TV channel Altyn Asyr.

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