Today.Az » World news » Turkmenistan, Pakistan to sign package of intergovernmental documents
12 March 2016 [17:35] - Today.Az

Turkmenistan and Pakistan plan to sign a package of bilateral documents, read a message from Turkmenistan’s government.

The documents will be signed following the official visit of Turkmenistan’s President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Pakistan on March 16-17.

The documents are meant to further intensify and expand the Turkmen-Pakistani partnership, said the message.

The promising areas of cooperation between the two countries include energy sphere, transportation and other fields.

The two countries are involved in Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project.

The construction of the TAPI gas pipeline started in mid-December 2015. Its total length is 1,735 kilometers.

The main document for the TAPI, called the Ashgabat Interstate Agreement, was signed in 2010.

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