Today.Az » World news » Iran destroying smuggled fruit due to fear of terror
08 March 2016 [11:00] - Today.Az

Iran is going to destroy a large consignment of illegally imported fruits due to fear of terrorism, local media reported.

Agro and bioterrorism are so important that even if one of the smuggled fruits is contaminated they cannot be distributed among people, Mehdi Qaemian, deputy director of Iran’s Plants Protection Organization said, ISNA news agency reported March 7.

He said 31 tons of smuggled fruits are going to be destroyed on March 9 under a court ruling.

“They have to be destroyed because their origins are unknown and their healthiness cannot be verified,” the official stated.

Qaemian says that besides concerns over terrorist plots, there is one more issue – the fruits cannot be verified to be free of pests.

And if they are not free of pests that would turn into a crisis, he further said.

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