Today.Az » World news » Recent developments in Georgia not to affect its Euro-Atlantic integration, PM Garibashvili says
07 November 2014 [14:10] - Today.Az

By Mushvig Mehdiyev
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili met with Tbilisi-based foreign diplomats on November 6.
He told the diplomats to be sure of Georgia's firm commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration. "The recent developments, involving the dismissal of Defense Minister Irakli Alasania and resignation of Foreign Minister and State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration are domestic issues and they will not affect our foreign relations,” Garibashvili said.
He also commented on the decision of Alasania’s Free Democrats party to withdraw from the ruling Georgian Dream coalition, saying its presence in the opposition will make Georgia’s democracy even stronger.
“Georgian nation deserves a political opposition that is willing to work constructively with the government, move Georgia forward and go on our path to the Euro-Atlantic integration,” he noted.
Garibashvili criticized Alasania for his irresponsible public response to investigation and arrest of several high-ranking military officers accused of misspending charges. Then Alasania claimed that the arrests were politically motivated and represented an attack on Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic choice.
“Unfortunately public response from Irakli Alasania to the investigation process was irresponsible and it damaged the country’s image," Garibashvili said.
Alasania slammed the former defense minister, calling him “adventurer, stupid and ambitious” while addressing at the meeting with his cabinet members earlier on November 6.
The U.S. Department of State has voiced its concern over the dismissal of Irakli Alasania and called on the Georgian authorities to take steps to eliminate allegations that the judicial system is being used for political purposes.

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