Today.Az » Politics » U.S. Azeris Network Executive Director revealed what Armenians should be expecting
22 April 2010 [12:32] - Today.Az

U.S. Azeris Network Executive Director Adil Baguirov spoke out about the upcoming date of April 24th, and a number of other issues. Baguirov believes, that Barack Obama once again, will not pronounce what Armenians are expecting of him.
”President Obama will not use the English (Latin) word, but just like last year, would probably use the Armenian term “Metz yeghern” instead. In general, since the Armenian lobby feels this is the only subject that can energize and mobilize the largest number of the Armenian diaspora representatives worldwide, they will be pressing for this issue each and every year, which will create a headache for all U.S. Presidents, Administrations and Congress”, Baguirov said.
Speaking of the Armenian-Turkish relations, Baguirov pointed out, that the tensions are much lower this year, as are the expectations.

”Unlike last year, where there was a lot of hope and expectations that Armenian side would behave more rationally and make the right choices, there are no such expectations this year. For Armenian government and its lobby in U.S., this issue was never so much about opening the border (the economic effect of an open land border with Turkey was calculated to be extremely modest), but about creating problems for Turkey internationally as well as domestically, within Turkey,” he said.

”There is no indication that Armenian side is ready to become a rational actor, and try to genuinely resolve problems, bridge differences and make peace with Turkey, or Azerbaijan. Another year of missed opportunities. In the meantime, both Turkey and Azerbaijan are developing and prospering, while Armenian economy suffered, as does its demographic situation. Nevertheless, the Turkish government attempts to do everything it can to achieve the coveted "zero problems" with all its neighbors. Perhaps Armenian side will be able to make a step in the right direction, stop blackmailing Turkey and also withdraw from the occupied Azerbaijani lands,” Baguirov noted.

T. Teymur

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