Today.Az » Politics » Russia's ‘Sim Clever’ considers Nagorno-Karabakh independent state – Photo
26 October 2009 [12:48] - Today.Az

To ensure convenient mobile communication, various companies produce so-called tourist SIM-cards designed for tourists. This is a convenient and inexpensive alternative to roaming.

Russian company ‘Sim Clever’, which provides afore-said services, in this case, flagrantly violates the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by its errors.

So, on the home page (, on the left side there is a list of countries where company’s SIM-cards are available. In this list ‘Sim Clever’ indicates Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent, separate state.

Click to enlarge:

The error made by ‘Sim Clever’ is not surprising, since, according to the company's website, ‘Sim Clever’ has been developed jointly with ‘Sim Travel’, which also made mistakes concerning the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Moreover, there is also a spelling mistake (Nogorny Karabakh).

Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of the Azerbaijan Republic, and listing it as an independent state is a serious mistake that violates all international norms.

Today.Az readers can send a letter of protest to the company at [email protected].

Sample letter:

To the attention of the ‘Sim Clever’ executives!

Your Web site contains a gross mistake that harms Azerbaijan’s interests.

You list Nagorno-Karabakh as a separate state whereas Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan, as reflected in UN General Assembly resolutions. The world community, based on international law, recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Thus Nagorno-Karabakh can not be a separate state.

I hope for your understanding and that this error will be promptly corrected in the shortest time possible.


/Your name, surname/


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