Today.Az » Politics » Iranian foreign ministry clarifies its position on cancelling visa regime with Azerbaijan
26 October 2009 [11:35] - Today.Az

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran has sent its proposals to unilaterally cancel visa system with Azerbaijan to the government of Iran”, said Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki at a press conference held for foreign journalists who attended the 16th International Fair of Press and News Agencies in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Mottaki said Iran considered is expedient to cancel visa regime to develop relations with some countries, including neighbors.

“It will promote the development of relations with Azerbaijan. Iran considers it expedient to cancel visa regime on its side. Iran already cancelled visa regime with Turkey. We want to solve this issue with Azerbaijan too and we would like Azerbaijan also to take such an action”.

Mottaki said the document submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be reviewed by the government.


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