Today.Az » Politics » Ayaz Mutallibov: "Do not play me for fool!"
24 October 2008 [11:29] - Today.Az
Day.Az interview with first president of Azerbaijan and co-chair of the Social-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Ayaz Mutallibov.

- How do you assess the results of the presidential elections in Azerbaijan?

- They were predicted and I had no doubts that working president Ilham Aliyev will be re-elected for the second term.

- How do you assess the fact that all international organizations confirmed significant progress in the sphere of democratization of the electoral process in our country?

- There were really times when Azerbaijan was sharply criticized for the absence of transparency in the process of elections, for other steps, not meeting the principles of a democratic state, while the current unanimous opinion of the international organizations about the results of presidential elections is connected with high level of interest in our country. I think the factor of political conjuncture in the assessment of elections in Azerbaijan also played its role.

- In this case, how do you assess the boycott of presidential elections by some leading opposition parties in our country?

- In the current conditions, established in Azerbaijan, there is no space for the activity of opposition and the roots of this explanation go back to the early 1990s, when the relations between authorities and opposition failed.

I imply myself as the first president of Azerbaijan and national opposition, which took a radical position at that time, joining efforts not for the resolution of problems, facing the country then but considering the lack of compromises in the tactics of fight for power.

I do not rule out that the working authorities, recalling the bitter experience in the history of present-day Azerbaijan, understand the results of the impunity of opposition. I think most of the figures of the events of the early 1990s realize that they were not right in their actions at that time, but they should not be punished too strictly for the mistakes.

Azerbaijan must have opposition, for if we declare our loyalty to democratic values, we must confirm it by definite steps. Moreover, I think that the President of Azerbaijan must form the political basis of the state for our country not to lose its influence in the democratic society.

As for boycott of presidential elections by some national opposition parties, this is a political demarch. The boycott of elections was possible when the united and consolidated Popular Front of Azerbaijan confronted me, as the first president of Azerbaijan. Boycott of elections is currently impossible in Azerbaijan.

- The Social-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan has recently appealed to Ilham Aliyev with a request to assist to your return to the country. Do you think a positive decision on this issue is possible?

- I think there are no grounds to treat me the way I have been treated through the past 16 years. I have not done anything bad to anyone personally.

Late President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev arrived in the country in period of my presidency. It means that he knew me well and trusted me. You will not find a single interview where I criticized Heydar Aliyev. Therefore, there are no grounds for treating me the way I have been treated for the past 16 years!

On the other hand, it is clear that a democratic state can not have political emigrants and the impossibility of my return to the country affects the image of our country in the world.

And, finally, I am confident that it is necessary to stop searching from enemies among supporters.

- If you are permitted to return to Azerbaijan you will return as a co-chair of the Social-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan. But as is known the parties are created for coming to power. Does it mean that you will try to come to power in Azerbaijan again?

- Parties do not set a task of coming to power. If exactly, this task can be set just theoretically, but through the whole period of existence of the Social-Democratic Party it has never set this task. The tasks were to popularize the social-democratic ideas, covering the population of greater number of the countries, which proves that the future belongs to the social-democratic parties and Azerbaijan should strive for it, as the very brand of social-democrats proves Azerbaijan's adjustment to western values.

But if someone thinks that some political demarches or other actions, falling beyond the frames of the need and law will be launched after my return, they are deeply mistaken for in the early 1990s I proved to be tolerant.

- Does it mean that in case of return to Azerbaijan you will not be nominated at the 2010 parliamentary elections and will only popularize the social-democratic ideas in our country?

- Can I not claim for a seat in Milli Medjlis if the first president of Ukraine is a member of the parliament of this country? Why do you ask this question? What can change if I am elected the deputy in the Azerbaijani parliament? Who is afraid of it?

- No one is afraid of anything. I just ask questions which cause an unclear anger in you. Well, let's see: first you say that you set a task of popularization of the social-democratic ideas in Azerbaijan and state that you do not intend to come to power and then you say that there is nothing bad if you become the Milli Medjlis deputy. So what are you going to do if you return to Azerbaijan? Moreover, will you reject that the parliamentary seat further led most politicians to presidency in their countries?

- What do you want to hear? Why do you ask this question? I have a right to live in Azerbaijan! And don't play me for fool! I have been the first president of Azerbaijan, despite everything! Perhaps, I will not do anything at all when I return to Azerbaijan! Perhaps, I will just raise my grandchildren.


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