Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijan's Central Election Commission hosts press group meeting
22 August 2024 [14:53] - Today.Az

Fatima Latifova

An August 22 meeting was held with the Press Group of the Central Election Commission (CEC) in connection with the early parliamentary elections scheduled for September 1, 2024, Azernews reports.

The meeting, which included representatives of the international observation mission, was attended by CEC members and media representatives who are part of the Press Group.

The meeting began with a discussion on the functions, powers, and responsibilities of the Press Group, emphasizing that the Group oversees compliance with the rules for election campaigning in the media. The Press Group, which consists mainly of experts in journalism, operates under the Election Code and the relevant regulations adopted by the CEC. In its activities, the Press Group ensures adherence to the norms and requirements set by legislation, takes measures to ensure compliance with the rules and methods of pre-election campaigning in the media, and, if necessary, submits its recommendations to the CEC for discussion.

The meeting also addressed the role and responsibilities of the media in elections, noting that media representatives participate freely in elections and play a significant role in informing the public about the progress of the processes. It was emphasized that legislation provides media representatives with broad rights as well as duties and responsibilities, both during the elections and in the pre-election campaigning phase and on the voting day. Therefore, strict and precise adherence to the requirements of the Election Code and relevant legislation during the pre-election campaign is crucial.

The meeting also discussed preparations for the parliamentary elections, informing that large-scale projects aimed at informing voters and educating election participants with different statuses are being implemented by the CEC. Attention was drawn to the fact that, to ensure that the pre-election campaign, a significant phase of the elections, meets civil and modern standards, all campaigning entities have been provided with extensive opportunities and equal conditions. The campaign, which started on August 9, continues successfully with high activity from the candidates. According to the requirements of the Election Code, candidates registered for the parliamentary elections, their authorized representatives and proxies, as well as registered political parties, their authorized representatives and proxies, have the right to conduct pre-election campaigning.

The Press Group of the CEC reiterated the importance of strict adherence to legislative requirements during pre-election campaigning and reminded that non-compliance with these requirements could result in legal liability. They expressed confidence that media representatives would fulfill their responsibilities appropriately.

The Press Group also mentioned that, if necessary or upon relevant requests, they will hold further meetings related to the pre-election campaign.

After extensive discussions on various issues related to pre-election campaigning and clarifying participants' questions, the meeting concluded.

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