Today.Az » Politics » Baku-hosted 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in spotlight of international media
03 May 2024 [10:00] - Today.Az

Major media outlets have extensively covered Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev`s speech at the opening ceremony of the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, themed “Dialogue for Peace and Global Security”, held in Baku on May 1.

The media outlets particularly focused on the President’s remarks about Azerbaijan's contributions to intercultural dialogue, the forum’s importance, Azerbaijan’s role in regional development, steps taken to solidify peace and stability, and efforts to normalize Armenian-Azerbaijani relations.

Articles published by Turkish “Anadolu Agency”, "Haber Global" TV, "Ak?am" newspaper, "" portal, and others highlighted the landmark event that welcomed over 700 distinguished guests from more than 100 countries.

The articles also featured President Ilham Aliyev's comments on relations with Armenia, wherein he stated, "The process of delimitation and demarcation was carried out between Azerbaijan and Armenia without any mediation”.

Russian TASS and Interfax agencies, Vedomosti,, Profil magazine, and Rossiya segodnya, along with Georgian information portals such as "", "", "", "", "", "", and "", drew readers` attention to President Ilham Aliyev`s remarks regarding the importance of preventing the policy of neo-colonialism implemented by some big European countries.

Qatar News Agency and Belarusian press including BELTA and “” focused on the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, highlighting the discussed topics covering education, youth, climate change, artificial intelligence, protection of cultural heritage, illegal migration, and other key issues.

Ukrainian publications such as "Telegraph" and "Correspondent", Iran's IRNA agency and "Entexab" newspaper, as well as the "Central Asia" media platform of Turkmenistan, mainly emphasized the President’s remarks on steps taken towards the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

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