Today.Az » Politics » West uses Armenia for another war in South Caucasus
27 February 2024 [19:00] - Today.Az

By Azernews 

Elnur Enveroglu

In the last few months, the anti-Azerbaijani hysteria in the Western media, as well as the statements presented under the name of "Azerbaijan's attack plan on Yerevan", have started to intensify. The forces interested in this matter, especially the organizations in the West, are trying to draw attention to the South Caucasus by exaggerating it. With this, the organizations also aim to create a supposedly "just cause" for the West to arm Armenia, as well as to outdo the Azerbaijani side in various negotiations. In a word, the purpose of spreading propaganda about "Azerbaijan as a threat to Armenia" in the Western media is to prepare public opinion for the planned provocation.

In such a case, France is thinking of uniting the efforts of all revanchist forces in Armenia and abroad for a provocative war. It is no coincidence that during Pashinyan's last visit to Paris, Macron brought him together with Mourad Papazyan, co-chairman of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France. However, it is not surprising that Papazyan has been banned from entering Armenia for many years. It can be concluded that France is trying to "reconcile" Pashinyan with Dashnaks and revanchist forces.

Arming Armenia is the main step in preparation for war. At the moment, France has taken over this process and given weapons manufactured in France and India under French license. Training of the Armenian infantry and infantry units of the French military indicates the steps taken in this direction.

The provocations that the West wants to carry out together with Armenia do not end there. Placing the EU mission on the border with Azerbaijan, collecting intelligence information about Azerbaijan, the arrival of the French general at the border, "binocular diplomacy", sending spies to the territory and similar operations, as a result, clearly manifest that France has a greater appetite for the South Caucasus.

However, France sees that its plans are not successful in the way it wants to be in Azerbaijan. For example, in the West and in Armenia, against the background of the propaganda of "Azerbaijan preparing to attack", the firing of the positions of the Azerbaijani army in the direction of Zangilan and the wounding of our serviceman, the continuous violation of the ceasefire on the conventional border, and provocations in the direction of Nakhchivan are part of the plan of Europe, especially France. Of course, the goal is to escalate the situation and blame Azerbaijan for what happened as a result. Of course, Azerbaijan does not respond to these provocations, as the consequences are quite predictable. In this regard, Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry clearly stated in its statement: "We declare that the Azerbaijan Army Units did not open fire from the mentioned direction, and in order to ensure sustainable stability on the conditional border, no retaliatory actions related to the opposite side's provocation were taken.”

It is clear that throughout history, Armenia, which has been a tool for the forces interested in the South Caucasus, has been used to create tension in the geography where they live.

Armenians also played a leading role in the overthrow of the Ottoman state. In short, Armenians served the same principle at the beginning and at the end of the 20th century and threatened the security of the region at all times. History is repeating itself, this time, the West is trying to create tension in the South Caucasus through Armenia. The long-term goal is to intensify the situation in the region, open a new front against Russia and take Russia's place.

The French defence minister's visit to Armenia coincides with Pashinyan's harsh accusations against Russia and his announcement that his activities in the CSTO have been frozen.

Armenia only expresses the words of the West, that is, the words spoken about peace are just a breath released into the air. As long as Yerevan will implement its theses under the dictates of France and Europe, the security problem in the South Caucasus will remain on the agenda.

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