Today.Az » Politics » Foreign media: Russian peacekeepers have nothing to do in Garabagh
05 October 2023 [16:10] - Today.Az

Abbas Ganbay

A report by a British TV channel notes that after Azerbaijan finally took control of its entire Garabagh territory, Russian peacekeepers have nothing more to do here unlike the returning authorities. The state is investing heavily in the previously recaptured territories: in electricity, roads, entire settlements," the report says, Azernews reports, citing BBC.

The report notes that after the Second Garabagh War, the Armenian provocations that lasted for 3 years finally came to an end. The journalist stops at the Armenian post neutralized by the Azerbaijani army and shows other destroyed posts between Shusha and Khankendi. He notes that Armenian military units once fired at Azerbaijani positions from those posts, but now there is an deep tranquillity in Garabagh.

The report also mentions an Azerbaijani family, which started a new life in the liberated territory of Garabagh. In Lachin, the Najafov family returned to their home seized by Armenia 31 years ago and are now building their lives anew. Today's terrible storm threatens to flood their home, but the family seems very happy to be here.

"For 27 years I woke up every day thinking we were coming back. Coming back was like a dream. Thanks to our soldiers and our president, we are here now," says the head of the Najafov family.

Recall that as a result of the anti-terrorist measures carried out on September 20, Azerbaijan completely neutralized the armed separatist remnants that did not want to leave Garabagh, contrary to the November 10 declaration. It should be noted that Russian peacekeepers have been stationed in the Garabagh territories of Azerbaijan on November 10, 2020, since the moment Armenia signed the capitulation document at the tripartite meeting brokered by Russia. Although its main goal was to promote the peace and negotiation process, the mission group failed to achieve this. On the contrary, with the participation of the peacekeeping contingent in Garabagh, provocations by the Armenian armed forces took place many times, and armed attacks were organized against the servicemen of the Azerbaijani army.

The last time, after the mine explosion that killed two employees of the State Agency of Azerbaijan Highways (AAYDA) and seven police officers, Armenia clearly showed that it does not want to end provocations again. The events that took place showed the necessity of anti-terrorist measures, and finally, on September 20, the Azerbaijani army disarmed all separatist armed groups in Garabagh in just 23 hours and 43 minutes.

There is neither separatism nor armed groups in Garabagh anymore. The reintegration process is already underway in Garabagh, and residents of Garabagh of Armenian nationality who want to voluntarily accept Azerbaijani citizenship choose the way to live peacefully with Azerbaijanis. For those who choose the other way, the way to Armenia is open from the state border checkpoint of Lachin.

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