Today.Az » Politics » Azernews deputy editor-in-chief negates Armenian claims about road blockage [VIDEO]
14 December 2022 [17:20] - Today.Az

By Azernews

By Orkhan Amashov

Orkhan Amashov of Azernews reporting from the venue of the ongoing protests on the Shusha-Khankandi road has vehemently denied claims by Armenia and Karabakh separatists that the road linking the region's ethnic Armenians with the Republic of Armenia was closed by the Azerbaijani pickets.

“The Armenian side has been peddling this narrative that this protest has caused some humanitarian problems for those Karabakh Armenians, who are currently living in the zone under the temporary control of the Russian peacekeeping contingent. First of all, this road is not blocked by the Azerbaijani protesters. If we talk about the blockage, it is done by the Russian peacekeeping contingent," the journalist on the scene pointed out.

He went on to emphasize that any "humanitarian, civil cars or ambulance if they make attempt to enter that zone or pass through, they will be let through".

Speaking about his observation, the Azernews deputy editor-in-chief said the number of protesters was on the rise and they were in good mood.