Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijan rejects Armenia's claims as wide off the mark
14 December 2022 [16:34] - Today.Az

By Azernews

Fatima Hasanova

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry in a statement brushed away Armenia's false accusations about the current situation on the Shusha-Lachin road, Azernews reports, citing the ministry.

"We strongly reject the baseless statement of the Armenian Foreign Ministry from December 13, 2022, putting blame on Azerbaijan for the latest situation on the Shusha-Lachin road and distorting the obligations within the framework of the reached agreements," the ministry said.

The claims of the Armenian Foreign Ministry that Azerbaijan blocked the Lachin road and violated the tripartite declaration are mere hypocrisy, the statement elaborated.

"First of all, we remind that the failure of Armenia to fulfill the provisions of the statement signed by the leaders of the three states on November 10, 2020, especially the failure to withdraw the Armenian armed forces from the territory of Azerbaijan in violation of Paragraph 4, abuse of the Lachin road for military provocations, as well as for illegal economic activity in violation of Paragraph 6, and obstructing the opening of all transport communications in the region in violation of Paragraph 9 was stated by us on numerous occasions," the statement read.

In response to claims that the Azerbaijani protesters closed the Lachin road, the ministry said it is the Russian peacekeepers, temporarily stationed on the territory of Azerbaijan, who closed the road.

"As for the claims that the Lachin road was closed, and the Armenian residents living in the area are allegedly facing the threat of a humanitarian crisis, it should be noted that the Lachin road was closed not by Azerbaijani protesters, but by the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation temporarily deployed in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is ready to facilitate the humanitarian needs of all Armenian residents living on its territories, and Armenia's claims to this end are incorrect," the statement further added.

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