Today.Az » Politics » Thomas Holts: “There is no threat of Islamic fundamentalism in Azerbaijan”
12 January 2006 [22:30] - Today.Az
The expert on Caucasus, renowned journalist Thomas Holts has delivered a report in the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute of John Hopkins University, Washington, on theme “Islamic fundamentalism in Azerbaijan: threat or a myth”, the Washington-based correspondent of AzerTAc said.
He has noted, that though Azerbaijan is the state with the Muslim population, there is no threat of Islamic fundamentalism. Having named the Caucasus a difficult region in view of its rich ethnic and historical variety, the journalist has told, that the researches he began 15 years ago and down to today cannot declare with confidence, that in Azerbaijan there is a threat of “Islamic fundamentalism”. As a whole, Thomas Holts counts, that official Washington, trying to define as concept “the Islamic fundamentalism”, hopes that it will help the war against terror. However, as to Azerbaijan “fundamentalists”, here it is insignificant a little, and they do not possess the authority, capable to influence the political situation. T. Holts has shown audiences the film shot in Azerbaijan in the beginning of 90s last century and narrating about ceremony of ashura. As he said, after disintegration of Soviet Union there rose enthusiasm of Azerbaijanis who wanted protect their religion. People go to mosques, build their life according to bases of Islamic religion, mark significant dates of Islamic calendar. Nevertheless, the radical religious atmosphere did not receive large scale. Also influence of such Islamic states, as Iran, Saudi Arabia is not observed. Few people, predictably, attend the mosques constructed in refugee tents. Even representatives of such deprived part of the population as IDPs driven form their native lands as a result of war with Armenia, despite of all difficulties, do not turn to “Islamic fundamentalists”.
Thomas Holts, who has returned from recent visit to Azerbaijan, also has told about the discussions, which have been carried out by him with believers in Baku mosque “Abubekr”. He has told, that during conversation any Azerbaijani Moslem did not justify act of terrorism on September 11. However, local Moslems with discontent have perceived intrusion of the United States to Iraq in 2003. This policy of America does not receive support and now.
The professor of University of Montana (USA), journalist Thomas Holts is the author of the book “The Azerbaijan Diary”, narrating about the first years of independence of the Azerbaijan Republic. Further, he has written the books “The Chechen Diary” and “The Georgian Diary”.
On the action in John Hopkins University, also were present representatives of the State Department, the Congress and other governmental structures of the United States, diplomatic corps, the nongovernmental organizations.