Today.Az » Politics » Fiorello Provera “Italy is for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict to support in the frame of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”
10 June 2005 [08:07] - Today.Az
A meeting between a delegation led by the head of the Foreign Affairs and emigration questions permanent committee of the Italian senate Fiorello Provera and the members of the International Affairs and inter-parliamentarian relations permanent commission of Milli Majlis (MM) was held in the parliament yesterday.

The chairman of the International Affairs and inter-parliamentarian relations permanent commission of MM Samad Seyidov spoke about stability of the mutual relations between Azerbaijan and Italy. The deputy said that Azerbaijan rapidly developed its economy and became one of the leading countries of the world for its economic development rate.

S.Seyidov touching the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict informed that the problem’s not being solved had caused serious difficulties for our country. The parliamentarian also said that one of the members of the interim committee on Nagorno Karabakh formed in the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe was the Italian deputy and noted that Italy had always supported Azerbaijan in the discussions held in the international level.

The deputy Jamil Hasanli touched the parliamentary elections to be held in autumn of this year in his speech. According to his words, the government took the control of the elections. J.Hasanli said that the Venice Commission’s changes to the Election Code were not fulfilled and informed that if a composition of the election commissions changed, then holding of the elections under the democratic conditions would be doubtful.

Fiorello Provera, in his turn, said that he was supported of more strengthening the relations between Azerbaijan and Italy. According to his words, the relations between the two countries should not only encircle the economic field. F.Provera also touched the Nagorno Karabakh problem and said that his country was the supporter of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict’s being solved in the frame of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan soon.


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