Today.Az » Politics » Yuri Merzlyakov: "Participation of Nagorno Karabakh in the process of talks might be needed"
01 April 2005 [14:24] - Today.Az
"OSCE Minsk Group has already determined some components of the regulation of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In the last talks this is being looked into and the sides generally do not object the suggested plan. But enough difference is seen in the positions of the sides of conflict within various details".

This was stated by the co-chairman of OSCE Minsk Group from Russia Yuri Merzlyakov in his exclusive interview to APA.

"The sides should come to an agreement, without that the matters of improvement in the process of talks as well as the regulation of the conflict will not be achieved". Merzlyakov evaluated the offers about the participation of separatist regime activating in Nagorno Karabakh in the process of talks.

"Once, three-sided format of the talks might be needed to be returned to. There are some details the solutions of which are impossible without the participation Nagorno Karabakh". Concerning the participation of Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Karabakh in the talks as the side, Russian diplomat considers that, this community in the talks is represented by Azerbaijan.

Co-chairman of Minsk group also expressed his attitudes about the listening within the regulation of Nagorno Karabakh conflict in the Parliament of Armenia. It must be mentioned that, Minister of Defense making a speech in the parliament Serj Sarkisyan used attitudes like "The independence of Nagorno Karabakh is the greatest compromise that Armenia does not accept, the next compromise will be permission for holding referendum in Nagorno Karabakh".

Yuri Merzlyakov stated that, such opinions do not have so great importance for them. "We cooperate with supreme authority structures of the sides of conflict in the matter of the regulation of conflict, the attitudes of the presidents are important for us". Regular violation of ceasefire in contact line seriously worries the cochairs of OSCE Minsk Group. Y.Merzlyakov called the application of both Azerbaijan and Armenia to UNO with the accusations of ceasefire violation the rights of the sides and stated that possibilities for stabilizing the situation are still present.

"The mandate of the representative of OSCE chairman Anzhei Kaspshik is not to find out the ones violating the ceasefire, but to help the stability to be achieved. It is not possible to hold permanent monitoring in the contact line of forces. This may be realized by international observers. But in that case, first of all, the sides must come to an agreement on the placing international peace-loving forces in the contact line if one of the sides does not let it happen, placing peace-loving forces in the front line will be impossible". It must be mentioned that, state leader Ilham Aliyev stated that, whether the meeting of the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan will happen or not, depends on the meeting of MFA leaders.

Yuri Merzlyakov stated that, co chairs of OSCE Minsk group keeps great hope to the results of the meeting of Azerbaijan and Armenia presidents to be held in Moscow. "Ministers can't solve everything, some times political decisions must be made in supreme level for moving some distance. The purpose is that, the presidents should give impulse to the talks to be continued, orders to ministers, direction to mediators, should show the direction of the works to be done by us.This meeting to happen is very important for co-chairs".

According to Y.Merzlyakov, co chairs visited Lyublyana on March 18, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, current chairman of OSCE Dmitri Rupel. The meeting happened some time before visit of Rupel to South Caucasus. "We agreed with the visit of OSCE chairman to Azerbaijan and Armenia. We asked OSCE chairman especially to stress the importance of the coming talks during his meeting with the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia".

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