Today.Az » Politics » Iran minister urges activation of Iran-Azerbaijan joint border commission
25 September 2018 [15:52] - Today.Az

By  Trend

Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli called for the activation of Iran-Azerbaijan joint border commission to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the sectors of border security.

Tehran and Baku need to activate their joint border commission to increase cooperation to boost security at the two countries’ border areas, Rahmani Fazli said in a meeting with Azerbaijan's Interior Minister Ramil Usubov in Tehran, Tasnim news agency reported on September 25.

He added that governors of Iranian and Azerbaijani border provinces could help and prepare the ground for boosting trade and investment between the two countries.

“Iran attaches great importance to its ties with Azerbaijan,” the minister said.

He also said a working group should be set to pursue agreements signed between the two countries.

Usubov, for his turn, hailed the idea of the working group and said all deals should be fully implemented.

He further said Baku will continue its trade ties with the Islamic Republic.

Since US President Donald Trump pulled the US out of the accord in May, the United States re-imposed a first tranche of economic sanctions in August and is due to reintroduce sanctions on Iran's oil and gas industry on Nov. 4.

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